Cambridgeshire Local Census Listings
Cambridgeshire Local Census Listings
Other than the National Census details there were several other, local, census taken which contain various pieces of information, all with names, which may be of use when researching in Cambridgeshire.
- Balsham
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P7/18/4]
- Barrington
All named with birth/baptism dates[Cambridge Record Office P8/7/1]
- Cambridge parish St Benedict
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P25/18/30, 31 and P25/28/1,2,3], copies are also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- Cambridge parish St Edward
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P28/18/17,18,19]
- Cambridge parish St Giles and Cambridge, parish St Peter
No date given circa 1760
Householders named with household numbers [Bodleian Library, Oxford Gough, Cambs 76]
- Cambridge parish St Mary the Great
Householders named with household numbers[Cambridge Record Office P30/18/8,9]
- Cottenham
All named with birth/baptism dates [Cambridge Record Office P50/1/25
- Croydon
Publication - All named: [Cambridge Record Office P53/1/1l] published in 'The Rector and his flock', ed D Ellison 1980). A copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure.
- Downham
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P57/19/14]
- Duxford
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office photocopy in R91/9], a copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- East Hatley East Hatley 1910
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P152/1/3]
- Ely parish St Mary
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P68/18/4]
1811 Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office R81/36]
- Gamlingay 1798
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P76/7/2], a copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- Girton
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P77/1/2]
- Great Abington
All named [Cambridge Record Office 619/21], a copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- Hildersham
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P91/28/3]
- Hinxton
All named [Cambridge University Library Add Mss 5821], A copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- Kirtling
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P101/28/8]
- Landbeach
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office photocopy in R91/9], a copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P104/1/4], a copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- Little Wilbraham
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P175/25/1]
- March parish St John
All named [held by incumbent Station Road, March]
- Melbourn
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office photocopy in R91/35], a copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- Swaffham Bulbeck
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P149/28/2], a copy is also held at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure
- Tadlow
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P152/1/3]
- Trumpington 1786,1811
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P158/3/2,4]
no date given circa 1838
Householders named with household numbers [Cambridge Record Office P158/16/0]
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