- Archives & Libraries
- Bibliography
- Biography◬
- Business & Commerce Records◬
- Cemeteries
- Census
- Chronology◬
- Church Directories
- Church History
- Church Records
- Churches◬
- Civil Registration
- Correctional Institutions
- Court Records
- Description & Travel
- Directories
- Emigration & Immigration
- Gazetteers
- Genealogy
- Heraldry
- Historical Geography
- History◬
- Land & Property
- Language & Languages◬
- Law & Legislation◬

- Manors◬
- Maps
- Medical Records
- Merchant Marine◬
- Migration, Internal◬
- Military History
- Military Records
- Names, Geographical
- Names, Personal
- Newspapers
- Obituaries
- Occupations
- Politics & Government
- Poor Houses, Poor Law
- Population
- Probate Records
- Public Records◬
- Schools
- Social Life & Customs◬
- Societies
- Statistics◬
- Taxation◬
- Town Records◬
- Voting Registers
"A county of England, lying on the German Ocean; bounded by Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, and Suffolk. It extends 70 miles in length and 40 in breadth. It contains 33 hundreds, 1 city, 32 market towns, and 660 parishes. The face of this county varies less than in most tracts of equal extent in England. Not one hill of any considerable height is to be seen in the whole county; yet, in most parts, its surface is broken into gentle swells and depressions. At the western extremity is a considerable tract of flat fenny land, which is part of the Bedford Level; and, on the east, a narrow tract of marshes runs from the sea, near Yarmouth, to some distance up the country. Between Lincolnshire and the western extremity, is a broad but shallow arm of the sea, called the Wash." [Barclay's Complete and Universal English Dictionary, 1842]
- These pages about genealogical resources in Norfolk are part of GENUKI, which is the UK and Ireland Genealogy Service - David Hawgood's book about GENUKI is available online.
- See also the GENUKI pages for Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire and Suffolk, as the county boundary has changed in places over the years.
- The principal Norfolk towns are Great Yarmouth, King's Lynn, Norwich and Thetford. The Norfolk Towns and Parishes page provides an alphabetically-ordered listing from Acle to Yelverton, together with administrative areas and links to help to locate unknown places.
- Here is a listing of What's New in this section of GENUKI.
- Norfolk Libraries Follow "Services" to "Libraries local history and archives"
- See Local History for Researching Family History
- Use Search for "Photo Collections"
- Search the Catalogue
- LDS Family History Centres in Norfolk
- Norfolk Record Office
- Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service
- Archant Newspaper Library
Please use an internet search engine to find this. - See also Societies
Some of which have online catalogues.
- Church Directories
Directories of the clergy, benefices, patrons, churches, etc.
- Church Records
These include Baptisms, Banns, Marriages and Burials.
The information shows the locations of original records, and transcripts and indexes where available.
- Civil Registration
- Birth, Marriage and Death Reports: See Newspapers, below.
- Pigot's Directory of Norfolk 1830
- Page 557: Norwich and Neighbourhood.
"In the parish of Saint Andrew is an old building, formerly used as a prison, but which is now converted into an extensive tobacco and snuff manufactory; this building attracts much notice from the singular construction of its north wall, which is faced with black flints, so admirably squared and regularly put together, as scarcely to admit the edge of a knife between the joints. The new city gaol is situated outside the walls, near St. Giles' gates, and is most admirably constructed and well regulated; the front elevation is massy, and well accords with the purpose for which it is intended; the prison is plentifully supplied with water, by means of a pump attached to the tread-mill; it was erected at an expense of £24,000, and the prisoners in the city bridewell were removed to it on the 18th February, 1829." - Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with parts of Suffolk 1850
- Page 8: Norwich - The Castle.
"The County Gaol and House of Correction, erected in the year 1828, at an expense of £50,000, is a strong commodious building, admirably adapted to fulfil the purposes for which it is set apart, the main body of the gaol is supported by wings containing 240 cells, and the governor's house being in the centre, the whole of the prisoners are more immediately under his surveillance." - William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883
- Page 38: "There is only one prison for the whole county, the Castle, at Norwich, which, under the Prisons Act, is under the control of the Government. There are lock-ups in most of the places where petty sessions are held. There is a reformatory at Buxton, near Aylsham, and an industrial school for girls at Fakenham."
- NRO Leaflet Prisons and Prisoners in Norfolk - Search NRO site for "Prisons and prisoners"
- The institutions and their records.
- Executions in the Norfolk Circuit 1735-1799
- See Norfolk (for executions in Norwich), King's Lynn, and Great Yarmouth.
- Executions in England and Wales 1800-1899
- See the various links under "19th century", and search for Norfolk executions.
See also Court Records.
- The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London
Search by name, place, etc.
See also Correctional Institutions.
- Description and Travel
Including descriptions of areas of Norfolk, aerial photographs, village signs and waterways.
- See Great Yarmouth, Hingham, Ormesby St Margaret and Norwich
- Genealogical and Historical Projects
- Lookups and Simple Queries
- Reciprocal Research
- NRO's List of Paid Record Searchers. Search for "record researchers"
- Mailing Lists - Rootsweb Lists listed below have now all closed but have been archived and can be searched.
Search Rootsweb Mailing Lists.
Additional links are provided below to some of the mailing lists.- NORFOLK-L - For Norfolk Genealogy.
- View Messages on NORFOLK-L (Link to an archive copy)
- ENG-NFK-NORWICH - For the area around Norwich.
- View Messages on ENG-NFK-NORWICH (Link to an archive copy)
- ENG-WISBECH-AREA - For Wisbech and the surrounding parishes in northern Cambridgeshire, western Norfolk, and southern Lincolnshire.
- View Messages on ENG-WISBECH-AREA (Link to an archive copy)
- ENG-BRECKLAND - For the Breckland (or Brecks) areas of southwest Norfolk and northwest Suffolk.
- View Messages on ENG-BRECKLAND (Link to an archive copy)
- ENG-NOR-DOCKING - For the area around Docking in northwest Norfolk.
- View Messages on ENG-NOR-DOCKING (Link to an archive copy)
- ENG-EAST-ANGLIA - For East Anglia, which is defined (for this list) as Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Bedfordshire.
- View Messages on ENG-EAST-ANGLIA (Link to an archive copy)
- ENGLISH-FENS - For the Fens areas of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, which border west and southwest Norfolk.
- View Messages on ENGLISH-FENS (Link to an archive copy)
- Genealogy-related Lists for other areas of the British Isles.
This includes other counties, historical and genealogical topics, etc.
- NORFOLK-L - For Norfolk Genealogy.
- Message Boards for Norfolk
- Ancestry's Norfolk General Board
- British Genealogy's Norfolk Forums
- View and Post Messages on the British Genealogy Norfolk Forums
[Moved from "www.british-genealogy.com/forum/forums/107-Norfolk-(Chapman-Code-NFK)" ]
- View and Post Messages on the British Genealogy Norfolk Forums
- Genforum's Norfolk Genealogy Forum
- View and Post Messages on the Norfolk Genealogy Forum (Search "norfolk")
- RootsChat's Norfolk Forums
- The Surname Norfolk Board
This board is for people researching the surname Norfolk (eg John Norfolk married Mary Smith), not for all surnames associated with the county of Norfolk.
- Message Boards for Towns and Villages. (These cover all of the UK, not only Norfolk.)
Please read the Terms and Conditions, and make sure that you agree to them before you submit any information. - See also Names, Personal
- The Harleian Society transcript of the Herald's Visitations of Norfolk in the years 1563 and 1613
Scroll down to the Norfolk entry.
- NRO Tracing the History of a House or Property in Norfolk. Search for "House history".
- NRO Leaflet 9 Tracing the History of a House or Property in Norfolk (this is a link to an archived copy)
- NRO Tracing the History of a Parsonage in Norfolk. Search for "Parsonage history".
- NRO Leaflet 10 Tracing the History of a Parsonage in Norfolk (this is a link to an archived copy)
- Norfolk Country Houses
List of country houses and their locations, from Burke and Savill's Guide to Country Houses. - British Listed Buildings in Norfolk - then select by parish.
Description, location, maps, etc. - Family Deeds - then follow the link to Norfolk
Descriptions of property and names of people from deeds, such as mortgages, covenants, conveyances, sales, leases, etc. - Land Tax
A government tax on land, property, and money.
- Maps for Norfolk, individual places, etc.
- Medical Heritage of Norfolk (this is a link to an archived copy)
Miscellaneous facts about medicine, practitioners, buildings, etc. - Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
- Foundation, in 1771, of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
- Taylor, Jeremy
The Rebirth of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, 1874-1883; An Architectural Exploration.
[ISBN 0953834905: Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, University of East Anglia, Research Publications No. 1] - Batty Shaw, Anthony
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, lives of the medical staff, 1771-1971.
[ISBN 0950223905, Norwich, 1971] - Norwich Health District Hospitals: a brief history.
[Norwich, Norwich Health District, Government Publication, 1979] - Jenny Lind in Norwich.
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Jenny Lind Children's Department.
[S.M. Bishop, 1987]
- Diptheria epidemic at Fincham in 1863.
- National Archives "Hospital Records Database" showing the existence and location of the records of hospitals in the UK
- Norfolk Asylums
This is a link to an archived copy. - For other references, including explanations of medical terms, see:
Medical Records in England
Medical Records in the UK and Ireland - Look under the various Towns and Parishes if you know the location of a hospital.
- Military History - Historical information about the Air Force, Army and Navy, including airfields, museums, Norfolk militia, world wars 1 and 2, etc.
- Military Records
Societies, muster rolls, Roll of Honour, Commonwealth War Graves Commission, etc.
- Norfolk People and Families.
- Lookups in One Name (Surname) Studies
- Norfolk Surnames List.
- Norfolk Surnames Listings (from UK Surnames) (this is a link to an archived copy).
- Norfolk FHS Members' Interests.
Surnames being researched by members of the Norfolk Family History Society.
- Occupations
Lists and descriptions, individual occupations, people, etc.
- Politics and Government
Constituencies, Members of Parliament, etc.
- Norfolk Poorhouses and Poor Law
- The Workhouse
Covering England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, with history, locations, pictures, etc. - Institutions
Covering England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, with history, locations, pictures, etc.
This is a link to an archived copy.
- Population of Norfolk, 1801-1991
- Compiled from the census returns.
- Pond, C.C.
- Internal Population Migration and Mobility in Eastern England in the 18th century.
[ISBN 0950224502, University of Cambridge Thesis, 1980-81] - Pound, John F.
- Population in the 16th Century.
In "An Historical Atlas of Norfolk" edited by Peter Wade-Martins.
[ISBN 0903101602, Norwich; Norfolk Museums Service in association with the Federation of Norfolk Historical and Archaeological Organisations, 1994] - Wright, John
- Population Change 1801-1851.
In "An Historical Atlas of Norfolk" edited by Peter Wade-Martins.
[ISBN 0903101602, Norwich; Norfolk Museums Service in association with the Federation of Norfolk Historical and Archaeological Organisations, 1994]
- Probate Records
Wills, administrations, inventories and death duties.
These are lists of schools that are intended for parents, teachers and children. There are usually links to the schools' web sites, but they do not often have information about their history, buildings, past pupils, etc.
- Norfolk County Council: SchoolFinder
- Schools etc: Norfolk Schools
- Schoolsnet: Norfolk Schools and Colleges (this is a link to an archived copy from 2012)
- UK Schools and Colleges Database: Norfolk Schools and Colleges
- Wikipedia: Norfolk Schools and Colleges
See also the individual Towns and Parishes pages, where there may be more information about the history of schools.
These societies cover Norfolk, or an area of the county. There are many societies for individual towns and villages. See the Towns and Parishes pages, which is where those societies will be shown.
- Voting Registers - Poll books, election registers, etc.