Newspaper extracts for Holyhead
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 21st May 1864
HOLYHEAD. WHIT MONDAY.—The usual festivities at this season were carefully observed at Holyhead. In addition to a large influx of holiday folks parading the streets from morning to dusk, the Odd Fellows walked in procession through Stanley-street, Market-street, and up Hill-street to the new church, preceded by a band. An excellent sermon was delivered thereat, by the Rev. T. Briscoe, B.A., after which the members proceeded to Captain Commandant Rigby's residence, from thence to the Rectory, to Dr Price's, and to Rhosygaer. They halted before the Royal Hotel, when Mrs. Hibbert liberally treated them each with a glass of ale, which was greatly relished on account of the intense heat which was prevailing at the time. Captain Rigby and Dr, Nicholson each presented a guinea towards the day's expenses. The Rechabites also walked on the same day, and made a very respectable display, preceded by the band. Both societies are in a nourishing state, the majority of the members being hale and hearty young men. .... (part extract)........
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 19th December 1868
HOLYHEAD. FOUNDERING OF A SHIP.—The ship Vectis, from Liverpool to Bombay, foundered to the westward of Holyhead on Friday night, but the crew, with the exception of one man, were taken off the wreck by the ship Nyanza, from Africa, and landed at Liverpool on Monday morning. The Vectis is a Sunderland-owned ship, and she had only recently left the graving dock, after a thorough overhaul.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the…10th November 1900
HOLYHEAD. spite of the heavy rain, on Tuesday, a match took place at the "Oval" between Holyhead Swifts and Bangor Wednesdays, resulting as follows :—Swifts, four goals Bangor, two goals.
The Electric Light Scheme. The experts who came to examine the force of water running through Valley culvert with a view of laying down plant to generate electricity have guaranteed that there is sufficient power to generate electricity that will furnish light equal to 25,000 candle power.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 7th January 1899
HOLYHEAD. Effect of the Gale.—A terrific hurricane from the North-West swept over the Holyhead coast on Monday, and its fury was not expended until Tuesday morning. The Dublin Mail-boat experienced a very rough passage, and had great difficulty in proceeding to her anchorage. The harbour was exposed to the fury of the storm, and there being a large number of vessels at anchor, great anxiety was felt for their safety. Those vessels that had anchored out in the bay were seen to roll badly in the tremendous seas. In the afternoon the schooner "Gauntlet," of Lancaster, bound for Manchester with a crew of five hands, three of whom were ashore, lost her anchor in the centre of the harbour, and was rapidly drifting on Salt Island. She miraculously escaped collision with the numerous vessels she passed, but came in contact with a coal barge. The captain and the sailor on board took advantage of their close proximity to jump on board the barge and left their vessel to the mercies of the waves which gradually drifted her towards the shore. She struck the rocks within a few yards of the Custom House landing steps, where every effort was made to save her, but in vain. A boat put out from Waterside to help her, but it was impossible to battle against the elements, The Vessel kept striking on the rocks, and rapidly filling, she sank within a few yards of the landing steps, only her masts being now visible. The schooner "Ann Jane," of Dublin, set up signals of distress in the evening, and the steam lifeboat "The Duke of Lancaster" went to her assistance. She was found to be drifting towards "Penrhos Beach," and was in great danger of going ashore. The crew of three men were brought ashore. The schooner ultimately drifted on to the Penrhos Beach, and has become a total wreck. The lifeboat also brought ashore the crews of "Hilly Bain," of Teignmouth,and "Baringbrook Castle," of Padston, but the vessels were found to be safely anchored in the morning. The steam tug "Speculation" dragged her anchor in the harbour during the night and drifted on some rocks within 150 yards of the "Gauntlet," which she struck. She rapidly filled up and sank, a portion of her funnel being in sight. On Tuesday afternoon divers went down, and efforts are being made to float the vessel. The telephone wires by Waterside were torn by the wind and rendered useless.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 22nd May 1886
HOLYHEAD. NOTES. Holyhead has a representative among the privileged artists whose works are hung at the Royal Academy, London. Mr Kenrith Mackenzie had three picture accepted for exhibition, one of them entitled" Frozen out," was sold for a high price to Earl Spencer the first day of the season. Mr Mackenzie is a very clever artist, and, no doubt, we shall hear more of him in the future.
During the last fortnight the elementary schools in the town have been inspected by the Rev. Mr Watts and Mr Roberts, Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools. We are informed that all the schools are in a flourishing and sound condition, and that the examination was in all respects satisfactory, one or two of the schools will have the excellent merit grant.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 5th February 1887
HOLYHEAD. ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION.—The second lecture for gentlemen in connection with this association was delivered in the Market Hall, on Tuesday evening last, by Dr W. R. Rice. There was a numerous attendance.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 28th July 1860
HOLYHEAD. THE CHANNEL SQUADRON, under Admiral Freemantle, is to day (Friday), expected in the New Harbour, and to remain for a few days.
A NEW GOVERNMENT POST OFFICE is sadly needed at this town, as the old office is quite inadequate in size and convenience for the large and every day increasing amount of business done here
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 1st March 1862
HOLYHEAD. A great number of outward and inward bound large vessels are at anchor in this harbour, besides upward of two hundred smaller craft.
The weather has been and still continues very stormy in the channel.
The sunken vessel "Ricardi" laden with coal in the New Harbour, occasioned by coming in collision with the E. S. Tingul, some months ago, has been raised by Mr. Cornish, traffic manager of Messrs. Rigby's Works, Holyhead.
Mr. Richard Jones, Chairman of the Board of Guardians has been elected Chairman of the Local Board of Holyhead. The Board also passed a vote of thanks to him for his able services as its Chairman for the past year. The Local Board has approved of the amended plans submitted by the engineer of the London and North Western Railway Company to extend its line from the station to the pier, but it is understood that the Hon. W. O. Stanley, M.P., still persists to oppose the proposed improvements, which would be the means of expending £75,000 in the town.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 16th June 1860
HOLYHEAD. HAY HARVEST,—The hay harvest has commenced in this neighbourhood. Crops look remarkably well. A good deal of rain has fallen during the past fortnight, and fine weather for a month would do immense good.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 25th January 1862
HOLYHEAD. On Wednesday, the 22nd inst., about midnight, the screw steamer, Kangaroo, of Aberdeen, laden with pig- iron and wool, from the Clyde to Bourdeaux, foundered between Bardsey and South Stack, 14 miles off land. A boat, containing the mate and six of the crew has reached ashore, but the fate of 14 other seamen is yet unknown. The boat in which they left the ship has been found on the rocks at Rhoscolyn, which, it is feared, is only the indicator of a sad tale. Further particulars are hourly expected.
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 29th December 1900
HOLYHEAD. a most generous and substantial help was rendered to the poor of this parish this Christmas again, as usual: over 40 tons of coal wire distributed to as many as 360 recipients, each, having 2cwt, .....(part extract)......
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 21st October 1899
HOLYHEAD. On Monday harvest thanksgiving services were held at all the chapels in town. Most of the business establishments in the town were closed during the hours of the services
- From The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the… 4th September 1897
HOLYHEAD. Proposed Purchase of the Waterworks. - On Friday evening, at the Town Hall, Holyhead, a meeting of ratepayers and owners was held to consent or otherwise to the promotion by the Urban District Council of a Bill in Parliament in the session of 1898 for the purpose of obtaining power to purchase compulsorily the undertaking of the Holyhead Waterworks Company ......(part extract)......
- From The North Wales Express 2nd January 1885
HOLYHEAD. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL.—On Friday, the 19th ult., on the occasion of the breaking up of this school for the Christmas holidays, the head-master, Mr R. Morgan Jones, B.A., gave a treat to his pupils. This school is evidently in a very flourishing condition. There are nearly 40 scholars, and these had gathered together to the tea-meeting last Friday. After the tea was over, the boys thoroughly amused themselves for several hours with a variety of games in the school-room. Among other things, Mr Jones treated them to the display of an excellent magic-lantern. It was very gratifying to notice throughout the whole proceedings the thorough good-will that existed between the pupils and Mr and Miss Jones, together with two assistant-masters—Mr Williams and Mr Owen. It may be well to mention the success of some of the pupils during last term. .....(part extract)......
- From The North Wales Express 30th August 1889
HOLYHEAD. LICENSING SESSION.—On Wednesday, before General Hughes and other magistrates, 64 licenses, including two wine licenses were renewed, the magistrates remarking it reflected credit on the town that there was no conviction during the year.
- From The North Wales Express 31st August 1888
HOLYHEAD. FOOTBALL.-A well-attended meeting was held at the Public Coffee House in Market-street on Wednesday evening, 22nd inst., for the purpose of reforming the Holyhead Town Football Club. Mr James Hazlitt was elected captain, Mr E. J. Jones vice captain. A committee of twelve members was also elected.
PROPOSED BRASS BAND.—It is with some satisfaction that we notice the probability of another brass band being formed in Holyhead. The leader of the late Oddfellows' Brass Band (Mr O. Jones has the matter in hand, and there is no doubt that a new band will soon be established here. It is to be hoped that the promoters acting conjointly with Mr Jones will make the matter one for the town generally, and not for one portion of the community. As has been proved already under Mr Jones leadership, Holyhead can hold its own against all bands of a similar class, and if the townspeople give their support they may have a band which will be able to compete with any amateur band in North Wales.
- From The North Wales Express 26th November 1886
HOLYHEAD. THE MARKET—NOVEMBER 20TH.-This being the half-yearly hiring fair, there was a very large attendance. The business doing was chiefly in hiring for the coming half-year. Wages of farm servants are for married men less of from Is to Is 6d per week, and for unmarried men who are fed at the farms, from £1 to £ 2 for the half-year lower. There were fewer samples of grain offering, and the trade was very slow at a little lower prices.
- From The North Wales Express 15th August 1879
HOLYHEAD. THEATRICAL.—During last week and the present, Miss Madge Keld and company have been giving first class performances at the Town Hall. The plays represented are East Lynne, Aurora Floyd, Lady Audley's Secret, &c. Each evening closes with a laughable comedietta, supported by the company. The scenery is fair but the acting very good, considering that the company have only recently started.
BRITISH SCHOOLS.—A very interesting meeting in connection with the above schools was held on Thursday week, on the occasion of the scholars leaving for their summer vacation. Prizes had previously been promised to the most regular and cleanest scholars. These were now distributed by the Hon. W. O. Stanley and Miss Adeane, of Penrhos. The prizes took the form of writing cases, and frocks. The recipients were those of the children who had (in addition to passing in all subjects at the late examination) attended the greatest number of times during the year, also those who were specially clean and neat in appearance and work. Certificates were also awarded all who had passed in reading, writing, and arithmetic. ...(part extract).....
- From Evening Express (Revival Edition) 23rd January 1905
HOLYHEAD. The intensity of the Revival is at fever heat, and promises to eclipse the meetings in South Wales. One meeting lasted from 7 p.m. to 1 p.m. Amongst these present were two naval men, who wept bitterly.
- From Evening Express (Extra Special Edition) 3rd October 1910
HOLYHEAD ABANDONED A Liverpool telegram says that it is understood on reliable authority that the White Star Line have decided to finally abandon Holyhead as a port of call for their New York steamers.