The Great Landowners of Wales in 1873
Brian Ll James, National Library of Wales journal. 1966, Summer Volume XIV/3
Extracted onto the pages of GENUKI with the kind permission of the National Library of Wales
This is a complete extract of this article (Gareth Hicks March 2003)
Only once in modern times has there been an attempt to take a comprehensive survey of the ownership of land in this country. The results of the inquiry were published in two enormous volumes entitled Return of owners of land, 1873, 1 but named popularly the 'New Domesday Book'.
This paper is concerned with landowners whose estates in Wales, according to the figures published in the Return, exceeded 3,000 acres, and had rentals of at least £3,000 per annum. The best agricultural estates in Wales yielded about £1 per acre, or something more; but there were many estates whose yield was much smaller, and several very large estates, such as Hafod in Cardiganshire, have had to be excluded because their rentals fell short of £3,000.
The limit of 3,000 pounds and acres has been chosen simply because this was the definition employed by one of the contemporary commentators upon the Return. There was a considerable literature, but the four editions of John Bateman's book, The great landowners of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 are the most valuable since the compiler attempted to persuade each of the 'great landowners' to confirm or correct the information printed in the Return. Unfortunately, Bateman had no very significant reason, apart from one of personal convenience, for defining a 'great landowner' in the way he did. 3 It is probably too low to justify the adjective 'great'. Nevertheless, F. M. L. Thompson, in his recent book, has accepted Bateman's classification, but points out that 'it is somewhat of an over-simplification to force all of England into the same strait-jacket'. 4 The same is true, of course, of Wales.
Table A (pp. 8-13, below) is an alphabetical list of landowners who satisfy the definition of a 'great landowner' in respect of their estates in Wales alone. Thus a number of persons included in Bateman's book owning smaller estates in Wales together with land elsewhere sufficient to make up the totals are here omitted. In arriving at the totals of acreage and rental given in Table A, an attempt has been made to correct obvious errors in the Retnrn, where not infrequently the same person is mentioned more than once under variant forms of his name. Also, estates credited to dowagers and to eldest sons are added to the totals of the head of the family. 5 The more important corrections of these sorts are given in the Notes to Table A (pp. 14- 18).
Table B gives the totals of acreage and rental belonging to 'great landowners' in each of the counties. Elaborate tables for each county in England and Wales were constructed by G. C. Brodrick, 6 based on..............
...................... the figures prepared by Bateman, but they do not correspond with the figures set out here (p. 19) for the reason given in the previous paragraph, and because of the inclusion here of the estates of the Church. The difference, however, is only marginal. Unfortunately, the Brodrick-Bateman figures are vitiated by their having made a separate category for peers, presumably irrespective of whether they were 'great landowners'.
Table C (pp. 20-21) gives lists of persons under county headings who were 'great landowners' within a single county. These, then, were the leading landed magnates of their respective counties. While no less than 28 of the 164 landowners of Table A fail to appear in any county list, seven are to be found in more than one list, and two (Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn and Lord Tredegar) were 'great landowners' in three counties.
The Return of owners of land, 1873 was compiled at the Local Government Board from material received from the clerks to guardians of the poor, for their respective districts (i.e. the poor law unions, or registration districts). 7 The clerks had obtained their information mainly from the valuation lists drawn up annually for rating purposes by the overseers of the poor in each civil parish. Thus the final printed lists for Wales, one for each county, 8 are amalgamation of separate returns from 1,186 parishes. In the clerical work which this involved there was ample scope for error and confusion, quite apart from the inherent difficulty of any attempt to reduce to order the chaos of English landownership.
The Return gives four pieces of information: the name of the landowner, his address, the estimated acreage of his estate in a particular county, and its gross estimated rental. In any attempt to assess the meaning and reliability of the entries in the Return, each of these items has to be considered in turn.
1. The name of the landowner. 9 Overseers were required to enter the name of the owner of a property on the valuation list, but, since it was only the occupier's name that really mattered for rating purposes, there was no guarantee that the name so entered would be the right one; sometimes the owner named would have died years before, or perhaps he was not really the owner at all, only a lessee, or a trustee. The compilers were confronted with the problem of at what point on the finely graded spectrum of land tenures did 'ownership' really begin. It was decided by the Local Government Board that persons holding leases for 99 years and more could be regarded as owners. But the exact tenure by which an 'owner' held his land was often uncertain, and there is no doubt that many of the smaller landowners listed in the Return..............
.................... were in fact leaseholders for less than 99 years. An immense correspondence was conducted by the Local Government Board in an effort to make the Return as accurate as possible, but it was freely admitted that many errors must have gone undetected. There do indeed remain innumerable inaccuracies in the spelling and initialling of names, and not infrequently the same landowner appears twice in one county list. There are some strange mistakes, as when Lord Bute is entered in the Glamorgan list under his title and then, a few pages further on, under his name, 'John P. C. Stuart'.
2. Addresses. These were supplied by the clerks of the unions, since they were not required on the valuation lists. One cannot be confident that the clerks were always correct, but this is hardly a serious matter as regards the important landowners.
3. Acreage. 10 Only the estimated extent of rateable property is given. At the time of the Return woodland (except where it consisted of or contained saleable underwood) and wastes and commons which yielded no profit were not rated. Since there was a good deal of both woodland and wasteland on most Welsh estates, acreages given in the Return were sometimes substantially less than they really were. This is the explanation of Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn's claim to own 141,909 acres in Wales, 11 whereas the Return credited him with 87,919.
It must be allowed that the total acreage given in the Return for the Welsh counties --- 4,123,265 ---is quite reasonable. Lleufer Thomas calculated, some twenty years later, that there were 693,628 acres of common waste in Wales. 12 The sum of these two figures is 4,816,893 acres, which is nearly 95% of the total area of Wales (excluding water and foreshore) as calculated by the Ordnance Survey. 13 The remaining 5% can be adequately explained as woodland, roads, churchyards, and other non-rateable property.
A more important and useful test for our purposes is that of the corrections of individual estates which Bateman obtained by his correspondence with the landowners themselves. He had replies to his inquiries from 93 of the 164 'great landowners' listed in Table A of this paper, and 87 of these (or slightly more than half the total) provided him with what he considered to be a more or less satisfactory correction of their acreages. 14 35 replied that the acreages given in the Return were more or less correct as they stood, and a further 21 made small alterations, not exceeding 500 acres. 31 landowners made substantial corrections, either increases or decreases of more than 500 acres. 15 This is approximately one third of the estates.
There are without doubt undetected and undetectable errors in the acreages in the Return, but it is submitted that, in general, they are adequately correct for the historian's purposes as far as the agricultural ................
.................. portions of estates are concerned. The corrections made by the landowners themselves can, in almost all cases, be largely explained either by the omission of unrated land, or by the listing of property under the names of lessees. It is possible also that actual changes had taken place in the extent of particular estates between 1873 and the date of Bateman's enquiry, which must have been at least five years later. 16
4. Rental. 17 It is much more difficult to assess the reliability of the gross estimated rentals printed in the Return. The Local Government Board were confident that, in the case of agricultural (as opposed to urban or industrial) land, figures given would not differ greatly from the actual rental received by the landowner. And indeed the one example which can be readily checked from a printed source, namely the Earl of Lisburne's estate in Cardiganshire, 18 the accuracy of the Return is quite remarkable. The Return gives the figure £10,579; the actual rental received for the year 1870 was £10,590, and that for half the year 1874 was £5,422.
But in the case of house or mineral property the gross estimated rental need bear no relation to the rent actually received by the landowner (i.e. the ground landlord). 19 The figure might be in fact the amount of rent due from the occupiers of houses to persons who held building leases; this rent would be much larger than the ground-rent paid by the lessee to the freeholder. And where land included a coal mine 20 leased to a company, the gross rental would also represent a sum much larger than that which the ground landlord would receive, because it would be 'an estimate of the net annual value of the [property] that is to say, of the rent at which the same might reasonably be expected to be let from year to year ...' 21 The landowner's share of this would be his reserved rent and royalties on the coal actually raised.
Therefore it is to be expected that Bateman's corrections were substantial ones. Of the 85 landowners who provided an adequate correction of their rentals, 27 said that the figures printed in the Return were more or less right, and another 17 made only small alterations, not exceeding £500. The remaining 41 made changes of more than £500, twelve reductions of that amount or more, and 29 increases. Almost half of the landowners for whom we have information thus made significant corrections to the rentals credited to them in the Return, while the proportion making significant changes to their acreages was just over one in three. Five owners reduced their rentals by more than £5,000 - Lords Bute, Dynevor, Jersey and Tredegar, and J. P. W. Gwynne Holford, all of whom were owners of urban and mineral property in Glamorgan and Monmouthshire. C. R. M. Talbot of Margam did not supply Bateman with actual figures, but remarked that fully one half of the rental which the Return credited to him represented the ..............
............. profits of lessees of mines on his estate. 22 But Lord Aberdare was mistaken when he said that his rental included mineral royalties, 23 though his remark that royalties fluctuated greatly is undoubtedly true. A cursory look at the account books of the Dunraven estate in Glamorgan for the three years 1872-74 is ample confirmation of this last point --- and this makes it doubly difficult to get a general estimate of the actual income of landowners in this class. While annual income from houses and farmland on the Dunraven estate varied only slightly around the figure of £13,600, the figures for 'mineral rents' were £43,867 in 1872, £18,615 in 1873 and £14,945 in 1874. 24 Unfortunately, Bateman obtained no correction of the rental printed in the Return, but the figure given there (£23,974) does not bear any relationship to the earl's actual receipts in the year 1873 (£33,285).
1 England and Wales. (Exclusive of the Metropolis.) Return of owners of land, 1893. H.C. (1874) LXXII. (C. 1097). The Welsh counties are grouped at the end of vol. 2, except for Monmouthshire which is in vol. I. There were other volumes dealing with Scotland and Ireland.
2 First published as The acre-ocracy of England in 1876, with successive editions under the new title in 1877, 1878 and 1883. The last (fourth) edition is cited in this paper.
3 ibid., pp. xiv-xv. It may possibly be significant that the definition is just low enough to include Bateman himself as a 'great landowner'.
4 English landed society in the nineteenth century (London, 1963), p. 112.
5 cf. Bateman, op. cit., xvii.
6 English land and English landlords (London, 1881), pp. 173-87. Also printed in Bateman, op. cit., pp. 501-15. These tables are used extensively by Thompson, op. cit., pp. 113-7; and the figures for Wales are given by A. W. Ashby and I. L. Evans in The agriculture of Wales and Monmouthshire (Cardiff, 1944), pp. 90 and 189.
7 An account of the method of compilation, with a general critique, is included in the Introduction to the Return, in vol. I. The original lists from which the Return was compiled were not preserved, at least there is nothing relating to it in the Public Record Office.
8 Although the material was based on the poorlaw and registration geography of the country, the final county lists certainly refer to the 'ancient' counties, not to the 'registration' counties, though this is nowhere explained in the Return.
9 This paragraph is based on the Introduction to the Return, I, pp. 6-7.
10 ibid., I, pp. 9-10.
11 Bateman, op. cit., p. 491. Sir Watkin seems to have included the area of common land over which he exercised manorial rights.
12 Bibliographical, statistical, and other miscellaneous memoranda; being appendices to the Report of the Royal Commission on land in Wales and Monmouthshire, H.C. (1896) XXXV, p. 240. The figures were based on a Parliamentary return of 1874.
13 ibid., p. 258. The total was 5,089,667 acres.
14 These corrected figures are given in the Notes to Table A, below.
15 In fact only four landowners made significant reductions: Bowen of Llwyn-gwair, Battersby-Harford, Corbett-Winder and Wynne of Coedcoch.
16 Very few corrected figures were included in the 1878 edition of Bateman's book, so most of them must have been obtained between that date and 1883, the year of the final edition.
17 Return, I, pp. 10-11.
18 J. M. Howells, 'The Crosswood Estate 1547-1947', in Ceredigion, 3, pp. 70-88. A table of rents received is on pp. 83-5. The corrected figure supplied by the Earl to Bateman was £13,656. This probably included the royalties from the lead mines on the estate. £2,722 was received from this source in 1872, £1,285 in 1873 and £2,570 in 1874.
19 This, of course, is when leased property is credited to the ground landlord in the Return, not to the lessee.
20 Mines other than coal mines were not rated.
21 This was the general principle of valuation, as stated in R. S. Wright and H. Hobhouse, Outline of local government and local taxation (London, 1884), p. 64.
22 Bateman, op. cit., p. 433.
23 ibid., p.l.
24 N.L.W. Dunraven 157.
TABLE A: An alphabetical list of owners of land in Wales in 1873, having estates of 3,000 acres, with gross annual rentals exceeding £3,000. Edited from Return of owners of land, 1873.
Note on county initials. These are listed in the order of size of the particular estate therein; italics indicate less than 1,000 acres.
A Anglesey; B Breconshire; C Caernarvonshire; Cd Cardiganshire; Cm Carmarthenshire; D Denbighshire; F Flintshire;
G Glamorgan; M Merioneth; Mm Monmouthshire; Mt Montgomeryshire; P Pembrokeshire; R Radnorshire.
# indicates that the landowner was also a 'great landowner' in respect of property outside Wales.
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
1 The Lord Aberdare | 3,951 | 12,113 | G. |
2 Henry Seymour Allen, of Cresselly, Pembs. | 4,655 | 4,091 | P, G, Cm |
3 The Marquess of Anglesey | 8,485 | 9,132 | A. # |
4 The Earl of Ashburnham | 7,568 | 5,511 | Cm B. # |
5 The Lord Bagot | 11,388 | 7,984 | D, M. # |
6 Crawshay Bailey, of Maindiff Court, Mon. | 12,284 | 11,658 | G, Mm, B, Cm |
7 Sir Joseph Russell Bailey, Bt., of Glan-usk Park, Breconshire | 22,644 | 19,755 | B, R, Mm. # |
8 Walter Thomas Mynors Baskerville, of Clyro Court, Radnorshire | 3,002 | 3,600 | R, B. |
9 The Duke of Beaufort | 32,533 | 32,564 | Mm, B, G. # |
10 Arthur Vendigaid Davies-Berrington,of Pantygoetre, Mon. | 3,873 | 4,063 | G, Mm, Cm. |
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
11 Richard Myddleton-Biddulph, of Chirk Castle | 6,953 | 9,128 | D, M. |
12 The Lord Boston | 9,607 | 8,843 | A, C. |
13 James Bevan Bowen, of Llwyn-gwair, Pembs. | 6,123 | 4,035 | P, Cm, Cd. |
14 Sir Edmund Buckley, Bt., of Plas Dinas Mawddwy | 10,908 | 4,472 | M, Mt. |
15 Sir Richard Bulkeley Williams-Bulkeley,Bt., of Baron Hill, Anglesey | 29,879 | 21,140 | A, C. |
16 The Marquess of Bute | 21,553 | 203,613 | G, B, Mm. # |
17 The Marquess Camden | 6,431 | 3,470 | B. # |
18 John Whitlock Nicholl-Carne, of St Donats Castle, and Nash Manor | 3,217 | 4,495 | G. |
19 The Earl Cawdor . | 51,538 | 35,043 | Cm, P, Cd # |
20 Elizabeth Sophia Chetwode, of Dorton House, Bucks | 6,487 | 5,284 | G. |
21 Henry Morgan-Clifford, of Llantilio Court | 3,585 | 3,979 | Mm. |
22 John Colby, of Ffynone, Pembs. | 9,252 | 5,148 | P, Cm, Cd. |
23 Conwy Grenville Hercules Rowley-Conwy, of Botryddan | 5,527 | 6,995 | F. |
24 Philip Bryan Davies-Cooke, of Gwysaney, Flints. | 3,454 | 8,503 | F, D. # |
25 Athelstan John Soden Corbet, of Ynysymaengwyn | 9,347 | 8,241 | M. |
26 Arthur Henry Saunders Davies, of Pentre, Pembs. | 9,900 | 7,669 | Cm, Cd, P, G. |
27 Walter de Winton, of Maes-llwch Castle, Radnor | 9,899 | 15,642 | R, B, G. |
28 Sir James Hamlyn Williams-Drummond, Bt., of Edwinsford | 9,282 | 6,358 | Cm. |
29 The Earl of Dudley | 4,472 | 3114 | M.# |
30 The Earl of Dunraven | 23,751 | 23,974 | G.# |
31 The Rev. Lord Dynevor | 10,509 | 18,552 | Cm, G. |
32 The Ecclesiastical Commissioners | 16,224 | 23,447 | P, G, Mm, A, F, Cd, D. R. Cm, C, Mt, B. # |
33 Richard Lloyd Edwards, of Nanhoron,Caerns. | 8,965 | 6,411 | C, A, D. |
34 Herbert Davies-Evans, of Highmead,Cards. | 6,307 | 3,915 | Cd, Cm, P. |
35 Owen Evans, of Broom Hall | 4,638 | 3,457 | C. |
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
36 Charles Wynne-Finch, of Foelas, Denbs.and Cefn Amwlch, Caerns. | 13,591 | 7,687 | D, C. |
37 Thomas Lloyd Fitzhugh, of Plas Power,Denbs. | 3,362 | 5,573 | D, F. |
38 Phillips Lloyd Fletcher, of Nerquis Hall, Flints. | 3,877 | 3,210 | M, F. |
39 Sir Stephen Richard Glynne, Bt., of Hawarden | 4,773 | 12,636 | F. |
40 John Ralph Ormsby-Gore, of Porkington, Salop, and Glyn, Merioneth | 20,003 | 9,613 | C, M, Mt, D. '# |
41 Richard Douglas Gough, of Ynysgedwyn Brecs. | 4,345 | 3,036 | G, B |
42 Hugh Davies Griffith, of Caerhun, Caerns. | 4,393 | 5,344 | C, Mt, F, D |
43 John Griffith Wynne-Griffith, of Llanfair Hall, Caerns. | 4,161 | 3,020 | C, M. |
44 Maria Emma Elizabeth Conway-Griffith,of Carreg-lwyd | 3,765 | 3,273 | A. |
45 Sir Ivor Bertie Guest, Bt., of Dowlais,Glam. | 5,951 | 28,124 | G, B # |
46 Alan James Gulston, of Dirleton and Derwydd | 6,744 | 10,976 | Cm. |
47 Howel Gwyn, of Dyffryn, Neath, Glam. | 8,121 | 9,699 | G, B, Cm. |
48 Alban Thomas Jones Gwynne of Mynachdy | 4,645 | 3,989 | Cd. |
49 John Capel Hanbury, of Pontypool Park,Mon. | 11,310 | 27,996 | Mm, G, B. |
50 The Lord Hanmer | 7,318 | 10,970 | F. |
51 John Battersby-Harford, of Falcondale,Cards. | 8,399 | 5,660 | Cd, Cm. |
52 George Harries, of Rickeston and Trevaccoon | 5,173 | 5,036 | P. |
53 John Arthur Edward Herbert, of Llanarth Court | 4,641 | 24,355 | Mm. |
54 William Herbert, of Clytha House | 4,543 | 10,624 | Mm. |
55 William Perry-Herrick, of Beaumanor Park, Leics. | 3,619 | 4,184 | Mm, R. # |
56 Robert Bamford-Hesketh, of Gwrych Castle, Denbs. | 3,424 | 4,005 | D, C, F. |
57 James Price William Gwynne-Holford,of Cilgwyn, Carms., and Anna Maria Eleanor Gwynne-Holford, of Buckland,Breconshire | 12,728 | 22,822 | B, Cm, G. |
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
58 George Augustus Huddart, of Bryncir,Caerns. | 7,793 | 3,847 | C, M. |
59 Hugh Robert Hughes, of Kinmel Park,Denbs. | 15,177 | 19,626 | D, F, C |
60 John William Morgan Gwynne Hughes,of Tre-gib | 6,797 | 3,990 | Cm. |
61 William Bulkeley Hughes, of Plas-coch | 4,873 | 4,008 | A. |
62 Caroline Anne Blandy-Jenkins, of Llanharan House | 6,084 | 3,023 | G. |
63 Robert Francis Lascelles Jenner, of Wenvoe Castle | 5,381 | 4,570 | G |
64 The Earl of Jersey | 7,110 | 36,928 | G. # |
65 Alfred Campbell Halyburton Jones, of Pant-glas, Carms. | 7,854 | 4,735 | Cm, B, R. |
66 John Carstairs Jones, of Gelligynan, Denbs. | 3,028 | 5,008 | D, F. |
67 Morgan Jones, of Llanmilo, Carms. | 12,071 | 6,612 | Cm, P, Cd. |
68 The Lord Kensington | 7,471 | 5,379 | P, R, Cm, Cd. |
69 The Lord Kenyon | 7,191 | 10,563 | F, D. |
70 Sarah Kirkby, of Llanfendigaid & Maesyneuadd, Merioneth. | 16,023 | 4,989 | M, D, F, C |
71 Vaughan Hanning Lee, of Rheola, Glam. | 10,440 | 8,795 | G, B. # |
72 Charles Edward Lewis, of St Pierre | 4,504 | 6,059 | Mm. |
73 Charles William Mansel Lewis, of Stradey Castle | 3,139 | 4,265 | Cm. |
74 Rev. Sir Gilbert Frankland Lewis, Bt., of Harpton Court. | 7,033 | 5,886 | R. |
75 The late Wyndham William Lewis, of The Heath, Glam. | 3,655 | 7,172 | G, Mm. |
76 The Earl of Lisburne | 42,706 | 10,619 | Cd, Cm. |
77 The Lady Llanover | 6,533 | 8,138 | Mm, G. |
78 John Dillwyn-Llewelyn, of Penlle'r-gaer,Glam. | 15,916 | 10,771 | G, B, Cm. |
79 Gertrude Jane Mary Lloyd, of Rhagad,Merioneth | 4,414 | 3,578 | D, M. |
80 John Davies-Lloyd, of Alltyrodyn, Cards. | 6,877 | 3,231 | Cd, Cm. |
81 Robert Lewis Lloyd, of Nant-gwyllt,Radnorshire | 7,896 | 3,045 | Cd, B, R, P. |
82 Sir Thomas Davies Lloyd, Bt., of Bronwydd, Cards. | 7,913 | 5,361 | P, Cd, Cm |
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
83 The Hon. Thomas Pryce Lloyd, of Nannau | 16,974 | 3,956 | M |
84 The Marquess of Londonderry | 10,084 | 6,082 | Mt, M. # |
85 Sir Arthur Digby Mackworth, Bt. | 3,204 | 3,649 | G, Mm,. |
86 Townshend Mainwaring, of Galltfaenan | 10,686 | 4,328 | D. |
87 Lewis Mathias, of Lamphey Court | 4,562 | 4,113 | P. |
88 Owen John Augustus Fuller-Meyrick,of Bodorgan | 16,918 | 13,283 | A. |
89 Thomas Charlton-Meyrick, of Bush | 4,253 | 21,737 | P. # |
90 Richard Walter Byrd Mirehouse, of Angle Hall | 3,457 | 3,402 | P. |
91 The Trustees of Lord and Lady Mostyn | 8,390 | 15,312 | F, C, D. |
92 Sir Pyers Mostyn, Bt., of Talacre | 4,184 | 10,569 | F. |
93 Thomas Arthur Bertie Mostyn, of Llewesog, Denbs. | 3,541 | 3,055 | D, M, F. |
94 Robert Baskerville Mynors, of Treago,Herefordshire, and Evancoyd, Radnorshire | 5,676 | 4,333 | R. |
95 Hugh John Ellis-Nanney, of Gwynfryn,Caerns. | 12,072 | 5,814 | C, M, Mt. |
96 John Naylor, of Leighton Hall | 9275 | 12,594 | Mt. |
97 Richard Christopher Naylor, of Nantclwyd Hall | 3413 | 3690 | D. # |
98 Sir Arundel Neave, Bt., of Llysdulas | 5,380 | 3,804 | A. # |
99 The Lord Newborough | 28,800 | 22,728 | C, D, A, M. |
100 George Whitlock Nicholl, of Ham, Glam.,and Cwrt Bleddyn, Mon. | 3065 | 3,735 | Mm, G |
101 John Cole Nicholl, of Merthyr Mawr | 4894 | 6,565 | G. |
102 William Edward Oakeley, of Plas Tan-y-bwlch | 7,170 | 15,603 | M. |
103 The Lord Ormathwaite | 12,428 | 8,127 | R. # |
104 Anne Warburton Owen, of Glansevern | 4482 | 4,368 | Mt. |
105 Thomas Love Duncombe Jones-Parry,of Madryn, Caerns. | 7,222 | 5,718 | C, D. |
106 Edmund Peel, of Bryn-y-pys, Flintshire | 5,779 | 11,187 | F, D, Mt |
107 The Lord Penrhyn | 43,974 | 63,373 | C, D. |
108 Thomas Penrice, of Kilvrough | 5,415 | 5,065 | G. |
109 Rev. John Henry Alexander Philipps, of Picton Castle | 21,455 | 23,696 | P, Cm. |
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
110 John Philipps Allen Lloyd-Philipps, of Dale Castle, Pembs., and Mabws, Cards | 7,738 | 4,798 | P, Cd, Cm. |
111 John Frederick Lort Phillips, of Lawrenny Castle (minor) | 6,522 | 5,709 | P |
112 Thomas Harcourt Powell, of Drinkstone Park, Suffolk, and Hook, Pembs. | 3,083 | 3,393 | P. |
113 William Thomas Rowland Powell, of Nanteos, Cards. | 30,582 | 9,372 | Cd, B, Mt. |
114 The Earl of Powis | 33,573 | 30,275 | Mt, R, D. # |
115 Richard Green-Price, of Norton Manor | 8,775 | 7,638 | R. |
116 Richard John Lloyd Price, of Rhiwlas,Merioneth | 18,403 | 9,762 | M, C, D. |
117 Alan Cameron Bruce-Pryce, of Dyffryn,St Nicholas | 4,340 | 3,812 | G. |
118 Sir Pryse Pryse, Bt., of Gogerddan,Cards. | 32,359 | 11,325 | Cd, Mt, P. |
119 David Pugh, of Manoravon, Carms. | 7,062 | 3,885 | Cm, Cd. |
120 Henry Lavallin Puxley, of Dunboy Castle, Ireland, and of Llethr-lluesty and Llan-gan, Carms. | 6,855 | 5,349 | Cm, P. # |
121 Offley Malcolm Crewe-Read, of Plas Dinam, Mont. | 3,942 | 3,229 | Mt, F. |
122 William Francis Roch, of Butter Hill | 5,666 | 5,103 | P. |
123 John Allan Rolls, of The Hendre | 3505 | 3,075 | Mm. |
124 George Grey Rous, of Cwrtyrala, Glam. and Llanwern House,Mon. | 3,351 | 3,900 | G, P, Mm. |
125 Baron de Rutzen, of Slebech Park | 5,574 | 4,217 | P. |
126 Henry Robertson Sandbach, of Hafod-unos, Denbs. | 4,640 | 3,284 | D, C. |
127 Mark Anthony Saurin, of Orielton,Pembs. | 5,892 | 6,924 | P, Cm. |
128 John Henry Scourfield, of Williamston,Pembs. | 13,439 | 10,087 | P, Cm. |
129 John Chesment-Severn, of Pen-y-bont Hall, Radnor | 8,538 | 3,279 | R, Mt. |
130 George William Duff-Assheton-Smith,of Vaynol Park, Caerns. | 34,482 | 43,023 | C, A. |
131 The Lord Stanley of Alderley | 5,960 | 4,238 | A. # |
132 The Hon. William Owen Stanley, of Penrhos | 4,697 | 5,086 | A. |
133 ... Stanley, of Landshipping | 4,746 | 4,487 | P. |
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
134 Sir John Stepney Cowell-Stepney, Bt.,of Llanelly | 9,937 | 7,144 | Cm. |
135 The Lord Sudeley | 17,158 | 13,539 | Mt. # |
136 Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot, of Margam | 34,033 | 44,175 | G. |
137 Clara Thomas, of Llwynmadoc, Breconshire, and Pencerrig, Radnorshire | 14,332 | 5,279 | B, R, G. |
138 John Popkin Traherne, of Coetre-hen | 3,620 | 6,622 | G. |
139 The Lord Tredegar | 38,750 | 124,598 | Mm, B, G. |
140 Thomas Picton Turbervill, of Ewenny Priory | 3,274 | 4,811 | G. |
141 Charles John Kemeys-Tynte, of Cefn Mabli, Glam. | 14,510 | 26,889 | G, Mm, B. # |
142 John Williams-Vaughan, of Felin Newydd, Brecs. | 4,468 | 3,097 | R, B. |
143 Edmund Hope Verney, of Rhianfa | 5,700 | 4,223 | A. |
144 The Lord Vivian | 4,583 | 4,929 | A, F, D. # |
145 James Walton, of Dolforgan, Mont., and Cwmllygodig (Cwmllecoediog), Merioneth | 5,562 | 3,078 | Mt, M. |
146 George Watkin Rice-Watkins, of Llwyn-y-brain, Carms., and Rhosferig, Breconshire | 7,337 | 4,999 | B, Cm, Cd. |
147 James Watt Gibson-Watt, of Doldowlod,Radnorshire | 8,806 | 5,329 | R, B. |
148 William Cornwallis West, of Ruthin Castle, Denbs. | 5,617 | 10,294 | D, Mt. |
149 The Marquess of Westminster | 4,191 | 6,762 | F, D. # |
150 Morgan Stuart Williams, of Aberpergwm, Glam. | 3,917 | 3,690 | G, B. |
151 Sir Hugh Williams, Bt., of Bodelwyddan,Flints. | 9,371 | 8,871 | D, F. |
152 Penry Williams, of Pen-pont | 7,043 | 4370 | B. |
153 Thomas Peers Williams, of Craig-y-don,Anglesey | 7,010 | 8,021 | A, C, F, D. # |
154 The Baroness Willoughby de Eresby | 30,688 | 8,521 | C, D. # |
155 Mary Anne Jane Corbett-Winder, of Vaynor Park | 6,693 | 5,122 | Mt. |
156 The Lord Windsor (minor) | 15,383 | 39,069 | G, F. # |
157 Edward Rhys Wingfield, of Barrington Park, Glos. | 6,463 | 19,428 | G. # |
Names and seats of landowners | Estm.Acreage | Estm. Rental | Counties in which estate situated |
158 Edward Robert Wood, of Stouthall,Glam. | 5,784 | 11,078 | Cm, G, B, P, Cd. |
159 Thomas Wood, of Gwernyfed, Breconshire | 5,005 | 4,918 | B, Cm, Cd, R. # |
160 The Hon. Charles Henry Wynn, of Rug | 10,504 | 8,905 | M. |
161 Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, Bt., ofWynnstay, Denbs. | 87,919 | 43,274 | D, Mt, M, Cd, F. # |
162 Brownlow Wynne Wynne, of Garthewin, Denbs. | 6,517 | 4,679 | D, C, F. |
163 John Lloyd Wynne, of Coed-coch | 10,197 | 9,279 | D. |
164 William Watkin Edward Wynne, ofPeniarth, Merioneth | 4,456 | 3,391 | M, F, C. |
Bateman included the following as 'great landowners' in the 4th edition of The great landowners; but according to the figures given in the Return of owners of land they do not qualify:
- Robert Davies, of Bodlondeb, Anglesey.
- William Davys Harries Campbell-Davys, of Neuadd-fawr, Carms.
- John Morgan Jenkins Harris, of Tref-y-rhyg (Treverig), Glam.
- Henry Nathaniel Miers, of Ynys-pen-llwch, Glam.
- William Peel, of Taliaris, Carms.
- (a) Notes on the landowner or estate ;
- (b) notes on the entry or entries in the Return of owners of land;
- (c) corrected figures and comments given by Bateman in The great landowners (4th ed., 1883).
Asterisks indicate the thoroughness of the correction, according to Bateman's judgment:- # Unsatisfactory or incomplete correction;
- ##Approximate correction, or figures in the Return more or less correct as they stand;
- ###Careful or minute correction, or figures in the Return correct.
- 1 (a) Dyffryn estate, near Aberdare.(c) 'includes mineral royalties which fluctuate greatly' ##
- 2 (b) Partly listed under his mother's name, Lady Catherine Allen.
- 3 (c) 9,620 acres, £9,784 ##
- 4 (a) Pembrey (Carms.) and Porthaml (Brecs.) estates.
- 5 (a) Pool Park estate (Denbs.).(c) 19,702 acres, £7,617 ###
- 7 (a) Created Lord Glanusk 1899.(c) ##
- 8 (c) 3,997 acres, £4,210 ##
- 10 (a) Formerly of Woodland Castle, near Swansea.(c) 4,371 acres, £5,812 ###
- 11 (b) Partly listed under his mother's name.
- 13 (c)5,360 acres, £4,407 ###
- 16 (b) Part of the Glamorgan estate is listed under Lord Bute's names, John P. C. Stuart. (c) 21,473 acres, £100,189 # (The round figure of £100,000 is given as the rental for the Glamorgan property, the remaining £189 for the small properties in Breconshire and Monmouthshire.)
- 17 (a) Brecon Priory estate. Lord Camden is also Earl of Brecknock.
- 18 (b) Partly under the name Maunsell W. N. Carne (i.e. Mansel Nichol-Carne, infant son of J. W. N. Carne, and heir to Nash Manor.) (c) Not listed by Bateman.
- 20 (a) Cousin and heiress to Sir Thomas Digby Aubrey, Bt., of Llantrithyd (d. 1856). (b) A small part of the estate is returned under her son's name, C. A. Ricketts.
- 21 (a) Estate sold in 1873 to Sir William Jackson.(c) Sir Henry Mather Jackson, Bt., owned 3,137 acres, worth £4,200 ##
- 24 (c) 3,483 acres, £8,094 ##
- 25 (c) Not listed by Bateman.
- 26 (b) Entered in the Return under a number of variant forenames and initials: Sanders Davies (Glam.), Saunders Davies (Carms.), S. A. H. Davies (Pembs.), T. H. F. Davies, Newcastle-in-Emlyn (Pembs.).
- 28 (c) ##
- 29 (a) Crogen estate, near Corwen.
- 31 (a) On the death of the 4th Lord Dynevor in 1869, a large part of his estate in Glamorgan, and the whole of his property in England, passed to his maternal grandson, E. R. Wingfield, q.v., while the remainder was inherited, with the title, by his cousin.(c) £12,253 ##
- 32 (b) These figures include all Church property listed in the Return, apart from parochial glebe. Some of it was actually credited to the various bishops, chapters and other dignitaries, since not all Church property had come into the direct ownership of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by 1873. The following table gives a breakdown of the figures by county:
- a.£a£
- Anglesey596575Flintshire5751,113
- Breconshire915Glamorgan2,34910,965
- Caernarvonshire203762Monmouthshire819871
- Cardiganshire436192Montgomeryshire9877
- Carmarthenshire331535Pembrokeshire 10,0417,307
- Denbighshire421853Radnorshire346162
- 33 (c)8,953 acres, £6,825 ##
- 34 (b) Partly under his mother's name, Mrs Davies, widow of D. S. Davies of Pen-lan.(c) ##
- 35 (a) Married Margaret, daughter and heiress of William Jones, of Broom Hall. (c) 5,560 acres, £5,150 ##
- 36 (c)##
- 39 (c) Glynne died in 1874 leaving his estate to his nephew, W. H. Gladstone, eldest son of W. E. Gladstone. Bateman therefore added this estate to that given in the Return under the elder Gladstone's name, giving a total of 6,908 acres, and £17,565 rental. #
- 40 (a) Created Lord Harlech in 1876.
- 41 (c)5,389 acres, £3,036 #
- 42 (c) 4,342 acres, £5313 ##
- 44 (a) Married in 1880 Sir Chandos Reade, under whose name this estate is listed by Bateman.
- 45 (a) Created Lord Wimborne in 1880.(c) 6,130 acres, £28,124 ##
- 46 (c) 7,154 acres ##
- 47 (b) Listed in the Glamorgan section of the Return as Howel Gwyn and as Howell Gwynn.
- 50 (a) Bettisfield estate, in Maelor Saesneg.(c) Bateman has mistakenly included the estate of William Hanmer of Bodnod Hall, Denbs., in his total. Only the Flintshire estate was corrected by Lord Hanmer ##
- 51 (c)6,501 acres, £4,800 ##
- 52 (c) 'value somewhat overstated' ##
- 55 (a) Penhow and Pencoed estate, near Newport.(c) 4,146 acres, £5,583 ###
- 56 (c) 'The Caerns. rental much understated' (at £171) #
- 57 (a) Anna Maria Eleanor Gwynne, heiress of Buckland, married J. P. Holford of Cilgwyn.(c) £17,741 'the rental partly arises from minerals' #
- 59 (a) Succeeded to the Kinmel estate on the death of his cousin, William 2nd Lord Dinorben, in 1852. See also note 98.(c) 16,223 acres, £23,097 ###
- 61 (c)5,404 acres, £5,002 ###
- 62 (a) Widow of John Blandy, and heiress of her uncle, R. H. Jenkins of Llanharan.(c) ##
- 63 (c) £5,200 ##
- 64 (a) Briton Ferry estate.(c) 10,000 acres, £18,000 ##
- 65 (c)8,832 acres, £5,524 ###
- 66 (c) ##
- 69 (a) Gredington estate, in Maelor Saesneg.(c) 7,578 acres, £11,408 #
- 70 (a) Widow of David Kirkby, and heiress of the Nanney-Wynns of Maesyneuadd.
- 71 (c)12,243 acres, £14,387 ##
- 72 (c) ##
- 74 (c)10,000 acres, £7,000 ##
- 75 (a) Died 1871 leaving his two daughters, Annie Mary Price and Charlotte Eleanor Wyndham, as co-heiresses. (b) Estate listed in the Return under: 'Reps. of W. Lewis, Heath, Cardiff', 'Reps. of W. W. Lewis, Monmouth', and Annie M. P. Lewis, and Charlotte E. W. Lewis, Castellau, Llantrisant.
- 76 (c) 42,760 acres, £13,656 ###
- 78 (b) Listed in the Glamorgan section as Llewellyn and as Llewellen, and under his son's name, J. T. D. Llewelyn of Ynysygerwn.
- 79 (a) Widow of John Lloyd of Rhagad.
- 80 (c) Entered by Bateman under name of H. P. Massy, whose wife was Lloyd's sister.
- 82 (c) 7,946 acres, £6,597. 'As Lord of the Barony of Kemes holds certain rights over 30,000 acres in Pembroke worth £70 per ann.' ###
- 83 (a) Younger son of 1st Lord Mostyn; inherited a life interest in the Nannau portion of the vast estates of Sir Robert Williams Vaughan in 1859. See also note 160. On his death in 1874 the Nannau estate reverted to the heir male of the family, John Vaughan, under whose name Bateman gives 16,443 acres, with £4,300 rental. ##
- 84 (a) Married Mary Cornelia, daughter of Sir John Edwards, Bt., of Plas Machynlleth.
- 85 (b) Partly returned under names of Dowager Lady Mackworth and the Executors of Sir Digby Mackworth (d. 1857)
- 86 (a) Married Anna Maria, elder daughter and co-heiress of John Lloyd Salusbury of Galltfaenan. (c) The figures were not altered by Mr. Mainwaring, but he stated that he held property in four other counties, though omitting details. #
- 88 (c) Listed by Bateman under name of Sir George Tapps-Gervis-Meyrick, Bt., who inherited in 1876.
- 89 (a) Created a baronet in 1880.
- 91 (b) The Mostyn estate is entered in the Return under the following names: 'Mostyn Estate Trustees', 'Lord Mostyn', and 'Trustees of Lady Mostyn'. (c) Bateman lists the estate under the name of Lord Mostyn's grandson and heir, Llewelyn Nevill Vaughan Lloyd-Mostyn, who did not inherit the title until 1884.
- 92 (c) £9,000 ##
- 93 (b) Partly listed in the Return under name of Susannah Mostyn, widow of H. M. Mostyn of Llewesog (d. 1840), elder brother of T. A. B. Mostyn.
- 94 (c) 7,000 acres, £5,760 ##
- 95 (b) A small part of the estate in Montgomery is listed under 'Vanney'.(c) ###
- 96 (c)11,257 acres, £12,687 ###
- 97 (c) R. C. Naylor, of Hooton Hall, Cheshire, is listed by Bateman, and the figures were corrected, but no property in Wales is included.
- 98 (a) Married the Hon. Gwyn Gertrude Hughes, sister of 2nd Lord Dinorben, and heiress of the Llysdulas estate. See also note 59. (c) 5,739 acres, £4,300 ###
- 100 (b) Most of the Monmouthshire property is listed under his father's name, Iltyd Nicholl (d. 1871).(c) 3,331 acres, £3,743 ##
- 104 (a) Widow of William Owen of Glansevern (d. 1837).(c) Listed under name of Arthur Charles Humphreys-Owen, who succeeded in 1876. ###
- 105 (a) Created a baronet in 1886.(b) Partly entered in his mother's name, Elizabeth, Lady Jones-Parry.(c) 10,025 acres, £5,750 ###
- 106 (c)##
- 107 (a) Married Juliana Isabella Dawkins Pennant, heiress of Penrhyn, and raised to the peerage in 1866.
- 108 (c)5,411 acres, £5,250 ##
- 109 (c)23,084 acres, £23,815 ##
- 111 (b) Partly listed under 'Trustees of G. L. Phillips' (his uncle, who died in 1866).
- 113 (c)33,674 acres, £9,597 ##
- 114 (c) £28,024 ##
- 115 (a)Created a baronet in 1874.(c)###
- 116 (c)41,264 acres, £11,091 ##
- 118 (c)##
- 119 (c) 8,176 acres, £5273 ##
- 120 (C)##
- 122 (b) Part listed under his mother's name, Martha J. Roch.
- 123 (a) Created Lord Llangattock in 1892.(c) 4,082 acres, £3,170 ###
- 124 (b) The Monmouthshire estate is listed under Sir Charles Salusbury (d. 1868), brother-in-law of G. G. Rous.(c) ##
- 125 (a) Married Mary Dorothea Phillips, heiress of Slebech.
- 126 (c) 4,978 acres, £4,212 ###
- 128 (a) Created a baronet 1876.(c) ###
- 129 (c) 'The acreage is mere guesswork, never having been surveyed, it may be 1,000 acres from the truth, or even more.' #
- 132 (c)5,808 acres, £5,086 ###
- 133 (b) Listed in the Return under: 'Trustees of Sir E. Stanley, Landshipping', 'M. A. B. Stanley, Brussels', and 'Edmund Stanley, Brussels'. (c) Bateman lists this estate under 'Mrs Stanley of Landshipping (res. Brussels)'. 4,787 acres, £4,540 ### (N.B. This family is not listed in contemporary editions of Burke's Landed gentry, or Walford's County families, or in Thomas Nicholas, Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales.)
- 135 (a) Gregynog estate.(c) ##
- 136 (c) 'Fully one half of this rental represents the profits of lessees of mines on this estate.' ##
- 137 (c)14,256 acres, £10,042 ###
- 138 (c) £4,500 ##
- 139 (c) £53,000 ##
- 140 (c) ##
- 141 (c)£27,838 ##
- 142 (c) 5,330 acres, £3,784, including property in Monmouthshire not entered in the Return ##
- 143 (a) Married the elder daughter of Sir John Hay-Williams of Bodelwyddan. Succeeded to his father's baronetcy 1894. (b) Part listed under Lady Sarah Hay-Williams.
- 144 (a) Married Mary Elizabeth, daughter & heiress of Jones Panton of Plas-gwyn.
- 145 (c) 5767 acres, £3836 ###
- 146 (c) 8,966 acres, f4,897, including small properties in Pembs. and Radnor which cannot be identified in the Return #
- 147 (c)10,961 acres, £6,000 ##
- 148 (c) 5,557 acres ##
- 149 (a) Created a duke in 1874.(c) 4,365 acres, £5,471 # ##
- 151 (c)##
- 153 (c)8,824 acres, £13,113 ###
- 154 (a) Widow of 1st Lord Aveland; succeeded to the Gwydir estate on the death of her brother, Alberic Burrell, 22nd Lord Willoughby de Eresby and 3rd Lord Gwydir, in 1870; barony called out of abeyance in her favour in 1871. (c) ##
- 155 (a) Widow of Uvedale Corbett-Winder; sister and heiress of Edmund Henry Lyon-Winder of Vaynor Park. (b) Partly entered under her son's name, William Corbett.(c) 5,116 acres, £6,000 ##
- 156 (a) Created Earl of Plymouth in 1905. (b) Partly entered under 'Lord Clive' in the Glamorgan list; the Flintshire estate was listed under his grandmother's name, Lady Windsor (d. 1869).(c) 17,680 acres, £35,725 ###
- 157See note 31.
- 158 (a) Married Mary Catherine Lucas, hiress of Stouthall.
- 159 (c) 5,354 acres, £5035 ###
- 160 (a) Third son of Lord Newborough; inherited the Rug portion of the estates of Sir R. W. Vaughan of Nannau (cf. note 83).(c) ##
- 161 (c)141,909 acres, £50,115, 'inclusive of manorial rights' ##
- 162 (c) £5,900 ##
- 163 (c) 9,000 acres, £7,000 ##
- 164 (c) 9,872 acres, £4,786 ###
TABLE B: Acreages and rentals of the 'Great landowners', by county, etc.
| total acreage | acreage of 'great Landowners' | % | total rental £ | rental of 'great landowners' | % |
Anglesey | 161,936 | 93,727 | 57.8 | 171,259 | 82,893 | 48.4 |
Caerns. | 301,233 | 200,950 | 66.7 | 378,137 | 177,685 | 46.9 |
Denbs. | 348,417 | 147,893 | 42.6 | 450,422 | 133,494 | 29.6 |
Flints. | 142,286 | 54,768 | 38.4 | 382,143 | 97,556 | 25.5 |
Merioneth | 302,657 | 137,698 | 45.4 | 183,253 | 80,711 | 44.0 |
Montgomery | 380,384 | 131,223 | 35.0 | 378,512 | 94,713 | 24.9 |
NORTH WALES | 1,636,913 | 766,259 | 46.7 | 1,943,726 | 667,052 | 34.3 |
Brecon | 302,238 | 105,644 | 34.9 | 208,543 | 73,429 | 35.2 |
Cardigan | 391,685 | 126,294 | 32.2 | 187,540 | 50,337 | 25.7 |
Carmarthen | 510,574 | 157,807 | 30.9 | 419,633 | 112,752 | 26.8 |
Glamorgan | 428,386 | 234,898 | 54.8 | 1,609,378 | 611,157 | 37.9 |
Monmouth | 289,376 | 108,481 | 37.4 | 837,254 | 210,934 | 25.1 |
Pembroke | 356,699 | 136,670 | 38.3 | 389,701 | 137,613 | 35.3 |
Radnor | 207,394 | 66,004 | 31.8 | 149,848 | 47,577 | 31.7 |
SOUTH WALES | 2,486,352 | 935,798 | 37.7 | 3,801,897 | 1,243,798 | 32.6 |
WALES | 4,123,265 | 1,702,057 | 41.3 | 5,745,623 | 1,910,850 | 33.2 |
The above figures are taken from the Return of owners of land, 1873, or are calculated from figures given in it, and do not take account of the corrections given by John Bateman in the fourth edition of The great landowners.
TABLE C: The county magnates: landowners qualifying as 'great landowners' in a single county.
#Largest estate in county
Lord Anglesey | Sir A. Neave |
Lord Boston | Lord Stanley of Alderley |
Sir R. B. Williams-Bulkeley | W. O. Stanley |
Miss Conway-Griffith | E. H. Verney |
W. B. Hughes | Lord Vivian |
#O. J. A. Fuller-Meyrick | T. P. Williams |
#Sir J. R. Bailey | Lord Tredegar |
Duke of Beaufort | Penry Williams |
Lord Camden | Thomas Wood |
Mrs Gwynne-Holford |
Sir R. B. Williams-Bulkeley | Lord Newborough |
R. Ll. Edwards | T. L. D. Jones-Parry |
Owen Evans | #Lord Penrhyn |
C. Wynne-Finch | G. W. Duff-Assheton-Smith |
G. A. Huddart | Baroness Willoughby de Eresby |
H. J. Ellis-Nanney |
A. Gwynne | W. T. R. Powell |
J. Battersby-Harford | Sir Pryse Pryse |
#Lord Lisburne |
Lord Ashburnham | A. C. H. Jones |
#Lord Cawdor | Morgan Jones |
A. H. Saunders Davies | C. W. Mansel Lewis |
Sir J. H. Williams-Drummond | David Pugh |
Lord Dynevor | H. L. Puxley |
A. J. Gulston | Sir J. S. Cowell-Stepney |
J. W. M. Gwynne Hughes |
Lord Bagot | R. C. Naylor |
R. Myddelton-Biddulph | H. R. Sandbach |
C. Wynne-Finch | W. Cornwallis West |
T.Ll. Fitzhugh | Sir Hugh Williams |
R. Bamford-Hesketh | #Sir W. Williams-Wynn |
H. R. Hughes | B. W. Wynne |
T. Mainwaring | J. Ll. Wynne |
C. G. H. Rowley-Conwy | #Lord Mostyn |
P. Davies-Cooke | Sir Pyers Mostyn |
Sir S. R. Glynne | Duke of Westminster |
Lord Hanmer | Sir Hugh Williams |
Lord Kenyon |
Lord Aberdare | W. W. Lewis |
Crawshay Bailey | J. Dillwyn-Llewelyn |
Lord Bute | J. C. Nicholl |
Mrs Chetwode | T. Penrice |
J. W. Nicholl-Carne | A. C. Bruce-Pryce |
Lord Dunraven | #C. R. M. Talbot |
Lord Dynevor | J. P. Traherne |
Sir I. B. Guest | Lord Tredegar |
Howel Gwyn | T. P. Turbervill |
Mrs Blandy-Jenkins | C. J. Kemeys-Tynte |
R. F. L. Jenner | Lord Windsor |
Lord Jersey | E. R. Wingfield |
V. H. Lee |
Sir E. Buckley | T. P. Lloyd |
A. J. S. Corbet | W. E. Oakeley |
Lord Dudley | R. J. Ll. Price |
J. R. Ormsby-Gore | C. H. Wynn |
Mrs Kirkby | #Sir W. Williams-Wynn |
Crawshay Bailey | W. Perry-Herrick |
#Duke of Beaufort | C. E. Lewis |
H. Morgan-Clifford | Lady Llanover |
J. C. Hanbury | J. A. Rolls |
J. A. E. Herbert | Lord Tredegar |
William Herbert | C. J. Kemeys-Tynte |
Lord Londonderry | Lord Sudeley |
John Naylor | Mrs Corbett-Winder |
Mrs Owen | Sir W. Williams-Wynn |
#Lord Powis |
Lord Cawdor | J. F. Lort Phillips |
The Ecclesiastical Commissioners | T. H. Powell |
George Harries | W. F. Roch |
Lord Kensington | Baron de Rutzen |
Lewis Mathias | M. A. Saurin |
T. C. Meyrick | J. H. Scourfield |
R. W. B. Mirehouse | ... Stanley of Landshipping |
#J. H. A. Philipps |
Walter de Winton | R. Green-Price |
Sir G. F. Lewis | J. Chesment-Severn |
R. Baskerville Mynors | J. W. Gibson-Watt |
#Lord Ormathwaite |