The Journal of William Roberts ('Nefydd'), 1853-62
The Journal of William Roberts ('Nefydd'), 1853-62
E D Jones, National Library of Wales journal Vol IX/3 Summer 1956.
Extracted onto the pages of GENUKI with the kind permission of the National Library of Wales
This is a complete extract of this article [Gareth Hicks 2002]
This fourth part of the series
- includes the Journal entries from June 1856 to November 1856, which cover his visits to places in Glamorgan, Monmouthshire, Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire and Brecknockshire.
See the first part for links to all the other parts
June 23.
Maesteg,---Llynvi Works. Boys' & Girls' schools.
June 24.
Maesteg,---Old Works. Boys' & Girls' Schools.
June 25.
Maesteg,---Old Works. Infant School. Visited this and returned to Aberavon this day.
June 26.
Bryncoch. This is a new project for establishing a B.S. in a district where a great number of workmen live and no school. The movement was commenced by Joshua Richd, Esq., of Neath, who is one of the best friends of education we have, a very respectable list of sub'ns, was soon obtained, among the working classes.
June 27.
Merthyr. In this town there is now a great movement in the right direction. Mr. Crawshay of Cyfarthfa Works one of whose schools was reported last year by Mr. H. L. Jones as containing only 5 out of 107 belonging to the Church (and which was printed in the pamphlet & published) are now to be on liberal principles, and 3 more added to the those making 5 in all.
August 1.
Writing letters to various parts of South Wales.
August 9.
Writing Journal for July, and other letters, &c.
August 13 & 14.
Dowlais, at the request of Mr. Baxter, in order to obtain further information respecting the schools and the Managers thereof. Respecting the Dowlais schools, the Rev. Mr. Jenkins had intimated to Mr. Baxter and myself that a change was to take place in the inspection, inasmuch as Mr. Bowstead did not make any inquiry into the religious knowledge of the scholars and charging the Teachers with neglect of the biblical instruction of the children; Mr. Baxter explained to him the nature of the duties of Mr. Bowstead as a Gov. Inspector and that our Society would be willing to make up that deficiency if the Managers would wish it. He said that they would henceforth send to the Society for inspection as well as to the Committee of Council. We were not without some fear that Canon Jenkins would ultimately decide to have National school inspection, and therefore Mr. Baxter wished me to try to glean some further information respecting the state of things there. The importance of the liberality of the system adopted in these schools and its continuance may be considered when we look at the splendid schoolrooms lately erected, and also those in course of erection at Pontgellifaelog; and when we witness that they contain from a thousand to twelve hundred and those nearly all being children of Dissenters. But I am glad to add that there is not at present the least probability of the exclusive system being adopted in these schools, because Mr. Clark the Manager is quite decided on the matter.
August 15.
Rumney. I visited this place also at the request of Mr. Baxter, in order to obtain some information connected with the position of the British and other Schools.
August 18.
Lantarnam. Visited this place at the request of the Committee. This parish is at present without a school and some of the Dissenters of the parish have commenced a strong movement on behalf of a British School; there are others very wishful to establish a National School. The Com. meeting held this evening was a very promising and zealous manifestation of the desire of the neighbourhood to have a B.S.
August 19.
Blackwood. I could not, according to my present arrangements meet Mr. Bowstead this year at but very few schools, and I wanted to see, therefore, I made it a point to meet him this week in those of my own neighbourhood. This was the first time for us to meet. I was sorry to find that this school is not progressing satisfactorily.
August 20.
Abertillery & Bryn Mawr. I accompanied Mr. Bowstead to these schools and they are progressing as well as can be expected.
August 22.
Blaina. I spent the last day for this year with Mr. Bowstead, and assisted him in his examination of Candidates and Pupil Teachers from Beaufort, Bryn Mawr, Abertillery, Risca, Blaina &c.
August 25.
Pontypridd. This week I intended visiting this place, Cymer, Dinas, Ystrad-dyfodwg, Lantrisant & Lancarfan, according to the arrangement between myself & Mr. Baxter. I found that the late Catastrophy which lately took place in this neighbourhood, the burning of 114 men in the works, engaged the attention of all, and I was informed that it would be nearly the same in the whole of the above places; therefore I felt disposed to defer my work intended this week, until I shall have visited all the other places.
August 26.
Defynog. Having been invited to this place, I had arranged to be there the following week (with the group of places connected therewith in my Programme) but in consequence of the above disappointment I came this week although was great ( sic). I arranged to have an interview with the Com. on the 27th. The state of things connected with education in this place is extraordinary. A Sir John Davis left property early in the 17th century to the poor and towards educating the children of the parish, binding them to go to church and binding the Teacher not to take any thing for doing so. In 1840 the sum of £77 is granted by the C. of C. towards building a British School here, and strange to say, this is connected [with] the property of Sir John Davis and the school was under the inspection of Mr. Bowstead. Whether this was done in a mistake or to please the Dissenters for a time, it is difficult to say. However the Dissenters enjoyed it as such without any trouble for many years, but lately the exclusive system of the National School was adopted, and the inspector of the N.S. is to be engaged, the reason assigned for all this is the nature of the bequest of Sir John Davis. How was this forgotten in 1840 is a mystery; and how will the school Com. have the Capitation Grant by not receiving any amount for teaching the children, is also a problem. But however the Dissenters (being numerous here like all other parts of Wales) have commenced a movement for having a B.S. and I think with every prospect of success. I gave them some necessary information for proceeding.
August 29.
Abertillery. Mr. Norton the Architect (from 24 Old Bond St., London) had sent a word a week ago that he would meet me here to arrange about the additional rooms, I came, and we met, and arranged to have in addition to the present school room, (which is intended for the boys), another for the girls, and another for Infants, which may also be used sometimes as a classroom.
September 3.
Writing to Mr. Dunn & Mr. Owen respecting the four young men that are to be on the Neale foundation in the Normal College in 1857, and also to the four young men, and to ten schools in S. Wales.
September 5 & 6.
Writing my Journal for Aug. and advices to the various places in Brecknockshire where I intend visiting the next fortnight.
September 8.
Crai. This place is a rural district within three miles from Devynock, where it was intended some years ago to build a Church School, and several subscriptions were obtained at that time for that purpose, but, having failed then to carry out the arrangement, the money were kept, and now it was announced that a school was to be erected without being connected with the Church, and I visited the neighbourhood to see whether such was the case, and whether I could do anything to aid such movement. I find that such is the intention of the present Committee, but that there is one very prominent deficiency in the movement, that is, the site is not to be conveyed to Trustees in the usual manner. The land is given by Penry Williams Esq. of Penpont, (a high Churchman) but not to be conveyed by a Deed to that effect, so that he or his successors may at any time it would suit his purpose turn it to be a Church school, or to any other purpose. I endeavoured to press upon the minds of some members of the Com. the propriety of receiving Gov. aid for building it, and even if they were to buy the land that it would come cheaper, and more safe for the purpose intended. However as the plans and arrangements had been completed I had no foundation to hope that a change would take place. The foundation stone is to be laid on the 15th instant.
September 9.
Pontsenny. This is [a] small village on the side of the Turnpike Road between Brecon & Trecastle, containing a population of about 300 with a considerable number of farm-houses in the neighbourhood. The people of this place did use to send their children to the Devynnock school when it was carried on as a B.S. and under the inspection of Mr. Bowstead, but since it has been changed to be a rigid Church School several of them have not done so and do not intend to do so if they can have a school of their own. Therefore I was invited to meet some of the leading men in connection with the movement, and we had a conference on the subject. I advised them to endeavour to get a site in a convenient place. All the land in the neighbourhood being property of high Churchmen they seemed rather doubtful as to their success in this matter, but they had not much doubt respecting subscriptions towards its erection, and its maintenance. I have promised to visit them soon again.
September 10.
Brecon. On my way to Talgarth from the above place I called at the school which was once the model school of the Normal College in this place. It is held in the same room as it did at that time, and under the same Master, but it has changed its character in many respects. It is now a private school, containing about 40 children (sometimes about 50, I was informed by the Master) paying each from 5/- to 18/- per quarter. The master pays £10 rent for the room to the Calv. Meth. Cong., and since the dissolution of his Committee, he had been appointed Registrar of Births & Deaths, and his wife keeps a grocer shop. Thus it is that by the School, Registrarship & Grocery business, the Master of the late Voluntary Model School of the voluntary Normal College now lives, and he is by the bye considered a very good Teacher. He does not feel inclined to try for a Certificate. I called with a few friends & ministers to inquire whether it would be likely that a meeting for establishing a B.S. with Gov. aid in Brecon would meet with some encouragement. In this I was discouraged, but I shall not leave them alone.
Talgarth. This and the following places being on the programme drawn by me and Mr. Baxter, I went thither. I found the school shut up for want of a Teacher. They are willing to give £25, with half the pence and half the Cap. Grant, which (they are ready to guarantee) will not amount to less than from £45 to £50, but we have no one for them. I wrote to Mr. Saunders, Mr. Baxter and Mr. Dunn; the Rev. D. Charles B.A. wrote to Mr. Bowstead, and no one can be found anywhere, either possessing a Certificate or willing to agree on condition to be Certificated. They would rather have one knowing the Welsh language, but would take one without that qualification. This is the state of things at Talgarth, and it is likely to continue until Xmas next.
September 11.
Hay. This old Town is without any efficient School. There is a National School, which is under inspection, where I am informed, the children of the Union are taught with the other children. There is also a school kept by Mr. Hall the Baptist Minister supported by the Gough Charity, and a private school kept by the Rev. Mr. Williams, Calvinistic Meth. Minister at the Chapel of that Denomination. Mr. Hall's school had been closed for three weeks. I visited Mr. Williams' school. There were but very few children educated in the old style. I visited several parties and from [what] I could glean I could not entertain hopes of establishing a B.S. here under present circumstances, where the Ministers are schoolmasters themselves, they would not countenance any measure that would be likely to affect their schools, nor would the leading men of their congregations.
September 12.
Builth. There is in this town a Church School, including Boys' & Girls' Schools. The Teacher of the boys is considered a good one, and has about 50 scholars. The school mistress (Miss Price) has only about 15. The children that attend Church on Sundays pay only 1d per week, but the children of Dissenters pay 6d per week thus their freedom of conscience cost them 5d per week. Complaints have been made that the Teachers pay more attention to those that pay 6d (although they are Dissenters) than to those that pay 1d and attend Church. I visited several parties, among others the Rev. Mr. Davies, Independent Minister and the Rev. David Charles Davies, M.A. the Calvin. Meth. Minister. These gentlemen seemed to think that the great difficulty in the way of establishing a good B.S. would be the obtaining of a site, because the land of the whole district is the property of high Churchmen. But there is a Wesleyan Chapel which has been shut up for years, (the congregation of that Denomination having dwindled to nothing in this town) which they think may be bought for a school. The above seem to think that about 70 or 80 children (at least) would attend a good B.S. if there was one established, and they will make inquiry as regarding the above old Chapel or another site if the Chapel cannot be obtained.
September 13.
Castlemadoc. In this little village, Capel Isaf, there is a small B.S. erected lately. Mr. Price (of Castlemadoc) was the means of moving and aiding his tenant in the establishing of this school. It had been closed for a fortnight, during the holidays at harvest time. William Rossiter from the Boro' Road is the present Master; he has about 30 scholars, and a Salary of £50. This is considered a good little [school] in a very thinly populated district. Mr. Rossiter was on a visit to his friends in England. I shall call again there ere long to see the school.
September 15.
Erwood. This is a small village with a population of about 150 or 200, with farmers all around it. There is a small school kept in a Baptist Chapel. The harvest holidays happened to be here also. I advised some of the leading men to try to establish a good British School here the same as that at Castlemadoc, but they did not seem to think that they could meet with the requirements of the C. of C. However perhaps our conversation may not fall entirely to the ground.
September 16.
Nantymynach. This is a populous little neighbourhood considering it is in [a] purely agricultural district. There are two Chapels, and a good number of members in each of them. I endeavoured to impress upon them the importance of establishing a good school, and told them all about the aid of Gov. which they could obtain. Some seemed to take the matter up very favourable and promising, others seemed to be more doubtful as to the success. I find that a considerable number of children of those farmers that can afford are sent from these rural districts to schools in large towns, where they pay very large amounts per annum for education & board. I happened to have a conversation with one near this place that pay £32 per annum at Swansea for his son. I brought this matter forward every where endeavouring to show them how much cheaper and better it would be for them to have as good education near their own doors, if a few of them would agree together to pay 17/4d (4d. per week) for each child, and a subscription of £2 or £3 each of subscriptions towards having a Certificated Schoolmaster.
September 22.
Travelled as far as Landovery on my way towards Caio
September 23.
Caio. There is a small school in this place held in a schoolroom belonging to the Church. The school is supported by all Denominations in the neighbourhood, and therefore it is as free from Churchism as British Schools, only it is held in a room belonging to the Church. The Salary of the Master is £33, which is made up by school-pence and subscriptions. I examined the higher classes in Arithmetic, Grammar, Reading, Spelling and Geography, and found them very good in Arithmetic, middling in reading and Geography, backward in Grammar, fair in Spelling. The Master is very anxious to try for a Certificate. I gave him information to prepare and caused him to have a Syl. of the subjects of this year.
September 24.
Pumpsaint. This small British school is similar to the one at Caio in every respect. The Teacher of this school, Mr. Isaac Jenkins, is one of the four young men that are to come to the Normal College, Boro' Road, on the Neale foundation.
September 25.
Landilo. This Brit. School is attached to the Independent Chapel. The schoolroom is one of the best ones in the Principality. The schoolmaster has been a Teacher at Tredegar, has been further educated at Mr. E. Davies's school, Swansea, and has passed his matriculation, in the first division, in the London University, he has an average attendance of 90 scholars. I found that there was a readiness on the part of the Master and Managers to have it under inspection. Therefore we lost no time,---I met the Managers and put the matter in course of procedure at once,---wrote to the C. of C. (knowing that Mr. Bowstead intended coming in Oct. to Ebbw Vale and Merthyr, to ask for inspection this year. And at their particular request I promised to call the following week to help them to fill the papers of the Council Office. (I called on Oct. 2nd and despatched them.)
September 26.
Cross Inn. This is a very populous neighbourhood, where there is only a Dame School. The schoolmistress (Harriet Edwards) has 70 children in school, pays £4 a year rent for the room, charges 2d, 2 1/2.d & 3d per week. The school is not connected with the Church. I have had a conference with some of the inhabitants, and they seemed to think that the prospect of having a good B.S. established is very promising. I have reason to hope that they will succeed.
Pontamman. There is a small mixed school in this place established by Wm. Morris Esq. proprietor of the Chemical Works. There are 40 children, but the young woman that is the schoolmistress is not at all adapted to the work. She is the daughter, 21 years of age, of the schoolmistress at Cross Inn. She only gets of Mr. Morris £10 a year. It is only the name of a school. I thought of seeing Mr. Morris, but he was from home, I will visit the place again, and endeavour to urge upon him the necessity of establishing a good school.
September 27.
Saron, Llandybie. This is a populous neighbourhood, and at the request of some of them I visited it with a view to establish a B.S. I had a meeting of the inhabitants, and explained to them the principles of B.S. & how they may have a good school. They seemed to think very favourably of the prospect. I shall visit them soon again to keep them alive to it.
September 29.
Cwm Ivor. This school is attached to a Baptist Chapel. The room is very good 29ft. by 18, and 11ft high, well furnished with maps &c. The average attendance last year was 75. The number now on the books 89, average attendance 8o. This was put under inspection this year. Mr. Daniel Thomas the master intends trying for a Certificate at the Boro' Road the next Christmas.
September 30.
Llangaddock. This schoolroom was built by Gov. aid in 1852. Now Mr. Bevan the Independent Minister has kept a private school in it for more than two years. There is a strong feeling in the neighbourhood that Mr. Bevan is the means of depriving the neighbourhood of a good school by engaging the room himself, after the worthy efforts of his predecessor, Mr. Williams, now of Newcastle Emlyn, to establish it.
October 1.
Pontsenny. I had visited this place on the 9th of Sep. and found the few persons with whom I had a conversation then very anxious to have a B.S. This is a small hamlet in the Parish of Devynock. I have reported before on the case of Devynock, which may be considered a peculiar case, especially when we consider that it is in Wales where the preponderance of Dissenters is so great, and in no part of Wales is it greater than in this neighbourhood.
In 1647, Sir J. Davie left some property for establishing a school and other objects, with the restriction that no payment should be recd, for teaching those children that would [be] on his foundation, and that they were to be attendants of Church (see Charity Commissioners' Report). In 1837, the inhabitants of the place being almost all Dissenters, came to an agreement with the Trustees of the above Charity to have a B.S. established, applied for aid towards having good schoolrooms erected, obtained £77 from Government in 1840. Two rooms were built for Boys' & Girls' schools, and a house for the Master. The schools have been on the reports of the Com. of C. called British Schools, until the last year. Mr. Bowstead inspected it as such in 1854, and advised that the rooms should be refitted, and some alterations made therein. That work was being carried on when Mr. Bowstead intended visiting it in 1855. £23. 6s. 8d. was rec'd towards this alteration in Sep. 1855 from the C. of C. Since that time, or about that time the Rev. T. Davies (Clergyman of the parish) caused the school to be made a Church School, and it is called on the last Report of the C. of C., 'Sir J. Davie's Endowed School'. Thus were those who had contributed towards it in 1837 deceived, and their object entirely frustrated. The Dissenters after that, made enquiries for a site about the village of Devynock to build a B.School, which they could not obtain; they afterwards thought of Pontsenny, about a mile from the above village, where there are a number of houses, and there was a dame school in 1847 when the Commissioners came through Wales. The land about here being the property of Sir C. Morgan of Tredegar Park, Monmouthshire, they applied to him, but before they had done so the Rev. T. Davies and others (the Managers of Devynock school) had sent to the Agent of Sir C. M. to request that Sir C. Morgan would not grant the site because it would injure their school at Devynock. Now the Com. of the B.S. cannot proceed for want of a site. I have visited the neighbourhood two or three times before, but I cannot assist them until they can have a site, and the owners of the land are church-men & Tories. The Dissenters are about 15 for every Churchman in the parish, which contains a population of 1969 in a purely agricultural district. I should be thankful to know if anything can be done for them,---I am persuaded that a good school would be established here if a site could be obtained.
October 2.
Landilo. According to my promise on the 25th of Sep., I came to meet the Com. and to assist them to fill up the papers of the Com. of C. and to give them further information as to how to proceed so that Mr. Bowstead may inspect the school in Nov. (as we thought then) at the same time as he would visit the schools at Merthyr, Ebbw Vale, &c. Mr. B. has since been obliged to defer his visit to Wales until the beginning of 1857. This school is likely to become a very efficient one, when under Inspection, with Pupil Teachers, &c.
October 6.
Risca. A letter from this place was awaiting my return from Carmarthenshire, wishing me to come to arrange some things with the Committee in connection with the establishment of the new Master (Mr. Merriman). This school had been very unfortunate to meet with Mr. L. Lewellyn who came two years ago from the Boro' Road, Certificated. He was a very inefficient teacher; weak, neglectful and irregular. When Mr. Baxter came to Wales in January last, he advised him to improve, and advised the Committee to let him have a further trial from that time until the summer. When Mr. Baxter came again in the summer and found the school even in a worse state than in January it was arranged for him to leave after Mr. Bowstead's visit. Mr. Bowstead's report of the school this year was such, that the school Com. could not get the Capitation grant. The Committee of Council expressed their intention to withdraw the Pupil Teacher from the school in consequence of the fittings & alterations that had been recommended not having been done. Mr. Merriman had been there a few days and found the school with 18 children. Thus were the prospects of one of the most promising schools in Wales, which has a very energetic working Committee, in a populous increasing neighbourhood, with no other good school within 2 or 3 miles of it, on the point of being blasted. The prompt & decisive measures adopted by Mr. Baxter in this case, was to me a valuable lesson, and will always be thankfully thought of by the Risca Committee. I advised them to send to the Committee of Council and to Mr. Bowstead in order to have the Pupil Teacher retained, to make an effort to meet the requirements of the C. of C. and to co-operate with Mr. Merriman to raise the school. I was glad to find as many as 52 children in the school.
October 10 & 11.
Writing letters on the business of the Society and my journal for September.
October 13.
Darren Felen. Visited this place in order to ascertain whether Mr. H. Rosser (the Master) was determined to go to the Boro' Rd in 1857 as had been arranged before. I found that illness has caused a change in his mind on the subject.
Oetober 14.
Beaufort. Visited John Richmond of this place with the same object. He is making arrangements to go to the Boro' Road. He is a young man of considerable perseverance, he has worked his way for years, under many disadvantages, with great assiduity. I hope that his progress in the Boro' Road will be satisfactory.
October 16.
Wrote letters to Messrs. Baxter, Bowstead, Owen, and to the schools to be visited the week after the next in Cardiganshire, &c.
October 20.
Blackwood. I was requested to meet the Committee to confer on the following subjects: (Ist) J. H. Dangerfield (the Master) being without a Certificate the Committee of Council object to apprenticing P.T. or to give the Capitation Grant. It was therefore arranged that he should leave as soon as the Committee can engage a Certificated Teacher. The Committee wished me to recommend one to them.
(2nd) They had been refitting the room, and wanted assistance to fill their papers to the Committee of Council.
October 21.
Mynyddislwyn. This small school, (as well as the one at Blackwood) is supported by farmers and labourers employed in agricultural pursuits almost entirely. The exceptions are a few small Collieries, that are within reach, and four or five Tradesmen; hence the weakness, and inefficiency, with which they have hitherto been carried on, the Committees of both not being able to meet the requirements of the Committee of Council in engaging Certificated Masters. The Committee at Blackwood seem to take the matter up with spirit, and promise to act with renewed vigour, but the Committee of this school, although desirous of availing themselves of the aid of the Committee of Council, is not so ready and awakened to the interest of the school, either from being unable or unwilling to subscribe towards making up the salary of a Certificated Master.
October 22.
Writing to Messrs. Dunn, Baxter, Bowstead, Wilks, &c. &c.
October 23.
Blaina. Mr. Jones of this school having given notice that he is going to the Hibernian B.S. L'pool, instead of Mr. Davies who is engaged by the Society, it became necessary that we should advertise for a Master & Mistress for the Blaina school. We therefore held two meetings this day, and it was arranged to send to the Boro' Road,---print circulars,---advertise in 9 or 10 papers, and to send to all friends. It was also arranged to have another infant school built in another part of Blaina, in the course of the summer.
October 25.
Teachers' Meeting. Several of the Teachers of this neighbourhood met to consider of some arrangements to show some respect to Mr. Jones of Blaina before he leaves, and to hold a conversation on various subjects. I was invited to be with them.
October 27 & 28.
Risca. By this time Mr. Bowstead had taken the matter in hand to restore the Pupil Teacher to this school, and in so doing, he had had a most severe skirmish with some of the Officers of the Committee of Council, and he requested me to go to Risca, and advise them to act promptly & vigourously in connection with the alterations, refittings, &c. I found the Committee quite ready to comply with Mr. Bowstead's arrangements. We held meetings on Monday & Tuesday evenings, the first, that I should lay the matter before them,---I went on the Tuesday morning to Newport expecting to meet Mr. Dunn who was announced to be at the opening of the B.S. I had the pleasure of seeing upwards of 8o children in Risca School. The Committee felt cheerful, and much pleased with the new master.
October 29.
Travelled home from Risca, and part of the way towards Carmarthenshire.
October 30.
Newcastle-Emlyn. When Mr. Baxter & I were in this place in the summer we found several influential parties very anxious to establish a B.S. there. The Rev. T. Thomas and his relatives, being respectable & influential, took the lead, but since that time the eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas was taken ill, suffered severely for some months and died a few days ago. This was the cause of the delay in this town. As soon as convenient they will proceed.
October 31.
Glynarthen. This small school has been established some years ago, where the few children are taught reading, writing, arithmetic tolerably. I was rather surprised to see some children working Euclid, that could not very well work the spelling-book---no maps in the school,---but very few ragged books,---no teaching of Geography,---no questioning on any subject,---no collective lessons,---each had a different book to his fellow and each had a lesson by himself, or herself. The Master (T. Davies), had some training at Swansea and seemed to be anxious for doing his best, but did not seem to be on the way to do it. It seems that the Committee of this School have an objection to Government aid in Eductaion.
November 1.
Newgate. This school is sometimes called Hawen school, because it is in the neighbourhood of an Independent Chapel of that name. It has been opened for 7 years, and had a grant of books from the Society. Mr. Thos Davies that is now at Glyn Arthen has been here 3 years, afterwards David Jones was here upwards of 4 yrs. He was guaranteed £15, and to teach 15 to 18 poor children chosen by the Committee, and to take his chance with the rest. He has left some months ago, in order to go to the Boro' Road to qualify himself.
The managers of this school are willing to make an effort if they can re-establish it in connection with Government aid. The room is a good one, if it was refitted and furnished with books & maps. I could not see one hook that had a beginning or an end. I have promised to visit the place soon again, to have a public meeting in order to try to have the neighbourhood to co-operate to have a good school under inspection.
November 3.
Penmorfa. When Mr. Owen came with me through South Wales, we visited this place and (as we then thought) paved the way for a schoolroom to be built very soon. After that the Clergyman of the parish proposed to build a Church school on liberal principles. The friends at Penmorfa agreed to abandon their own and to co-operate with the Clergyman. However, after waiting a long time, they found that he would not proceed, and therefore they built their own room, which was opened in September last.
November 4.
Blaenannerch. This was also one of the places visited by Mr. Owen & myself. The school was lately kept by a young man, a Student from Bala, as a help towards his living as an assistant minister. But lately he removed to Llandysul, and now there is no school.
Penypark. This is an agricultural neighbourhood 3 or 4 miles from Cardigan. There is an old established congregation of Baptists and some of them are inclined to establish a school. It is supposed that from 30 to 40 children are in the neighbourhood without any education because other schools are too far, they are too poor to be sent---and that there are about 20 others sent from home who would rather have a good school in the neighbourhood. I gave them the required information to proceed, hoping that they will succeed.
November 5.
Cardigan. I visited this town being in the neighbourhood, for the following purposes. (1st) To see Mr. J. Jones the teacher of the British School who is to be one of those that are to be on the Neale foundation in the Boro' Road in 1857, in order to make arrangements with him,............. (continued)