
Clyro / Cleirwy


"CLYRO (CLAERWY), a parish in the hundred of PAINSCASTLE, county of RADNOR, SOUTH WALES, 1 mile (N.W.) from Hay, containing 933 inhabitants. This parish, which is nearly four miles in breadth, extends for about seven miles along the banks of the river Wye, which separates it from the county of Brecknock, and borders also upon the county of Hereford, from which it is separated only by a narrow brook : the road from Brecknock, by way of Glasbury bridge, to Kington in Herefordshire passes through the village. Some vestiges of an ancient castle are discernible,..............and a monastery was founded here, at a very early period, ...........the only memorial of it being retained in the name of some lands,..........called "Tir y Myneich.'' There are several neat villas within the parish, two of which are the property of Thomas Baskerville Mynors Baskerville, Esq., and one, called Cabalva, the seat of William Davies, Esq. This parish constitutes the endowment of a prebend in the collegiate church of Brecknock, rated in the king's books at £7. 6. 8., and in the patronage of the Bishop of St. David's. The living is a discharged vicarage, with the perpetual curacy of Bettws-Clyro annexed, in the archdeaconry of Brecknock, and diocese of St. David's, rated in the king's books at £ 6, and in the patronage of the Bishop of St. David's. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, ........" ( A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, Samuel Lewis, 1833)



Clew, Kenneth R. Clyro & Bettws Clyro, Radnor, Powys : a brief guide. Clyro : [St. Michael's and All Angels Church], 1981.

Fisk, Eugene. Kilvert's Clyro now. Monmouth : A & K Publications, 1999. 48p

Hook, Amanda. Pages of reverent reflection : [Clyro and Francis Kilvert]. In Britain (July 1993), p. 44-6

Howse, W H              Clyro and Royl              Radnorshire Society Transactions Vol 18 1948           Welsh Journals Online

Morgan, M M. Twenty-four walks in the Kilvert country : preceded by a chapter on Kilvert's Clyro. Hay-on-Wye : Kilvert Society Publications, 1980(1984 reprint) 40p

Powell, A D    The Powell Family of Llowes and Clyro in Radnorshire; and and Brilley in Herefordshire, 1581-1800      Radnorshire Society Transactions, vol. 9 1939     Welsh Journals Online

Powell, A D        John Probert and his law suits            Radnorshire Society Transactions Vol 30  1960      Welsh Journals Online 

Powell, A D       The Brilley Remembrance, 1590       Radnorshire Society Transactions Vol 34 1964         Welsh Journals Online

Williams, Geoffrey & Lorna       A note on the collection of flint instruments from Old Forest Farm, Clyro       Radnorshire Society Transactions      vol. 31  1961    Welsh Journals Online


Church History

Church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. Ed. by   I.G   Jones, & D. Williams. UWP,  Cardiff, 1976. The names given towards the end of each entry are those of the informants.

Clyro Parish consisting of the parish and Bettws-Clyro Chapelry; Statistics; Area 7225 acres; Population 471 males, 412 females, total 883

  • Clyro Parish Church       Attendance - morning 76 + 50 scholars, No service afternoon or evening    1 service in English         R Lister Venables, Vicar
  • Bettws Clyro Chapel      Attendance - afternoon 37. No service morning and evening      "This is a very ancient chapel. There is no burial ground........."    1 service in English       R Lister Venables, Vicar of Clyro
  • Bronith Chapel, P. Methodist      Erected 1844     Attendance - afternoon 50         James Allen, Steward, Wheelwright

See John Ball's site Welsh Churches and Chapels Collection for a photograph/data re St Michael's Church, Clyro

See Welsh Chapels and Churches for a photograph of;

  • Bettws Clyro Church of Holy Trinity
  • Clyro St Michael and All Angels

Church of St Michael and All Angels, Clyro on the Radnorshire Churches Survey site

Church of Holy Trinity, Bettws Clyro on the Radnorshire Churches Survey site

Clyro church - on geograph.org.uk


    Church Records

    Detailed information on deposited registers and transcripts for this parish is given on the Powys Archives page Radnorshire parish registers

    As a guide only, the principal extant parochial church records for this parish span the dates shown below (as detailed in Parish Registers of Wales, NLW 2000) but exact current holdings should be confirmed with the individual Archives;

    • Baptisms 1667-1988; Marriages 1688-1971; Burials 1688-1989;
      Parish Registers, or copies, for all or part of these dates are held at the NLW and/or Powys Archives.  
      Bishops Transcripts for various periods are held at the NLW  

    Betws Cleirwy/Betws Clyro - an ancient chapelry with CMB entered in PR Cleirwy/Clyro


    Description & Travel

    Clyro Castle on the Castle Wales site

    Clyro - on wikipedia

    You can see pictures of Clyro / Cleirwy which are provided by:





    Clyro War Memorial - on geograph.org.uk


    Land & Property

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Clyro Court Papers 1619-1951    "The Clyro Court estate, Clyro, Radnorshire, was the seat of the Baskerville family during the 19th and early 20th centuries................."


    Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R., Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: History Data Service, UK Data Archive [distributor], 17 May 2001. SN: 4348.   Here is a gazetteer/finding aid plus a set of overview maps to accurately identify the position of parishes within the county

    Family Search have an interactive map called "England and Wales Jurisdictions 1851" showing parish (and other) boundaries with optional background maps such as Ordnance Survey. There is also a Search facility, do read the guidance notes to get maximum benefit from this useful resource. See here for further background information to assist in the interpretation of this data

    You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SO208456 (Lat/Lon: 52.086933, -3.150011), Clyro / Cleirwy which are provided by:


    Public Records

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Clyro Parish and Community Council records  1894-1984