
Pencraig / Old Radnor


"RADNOR (OLD), or MAES-YVED-HEN, a parish, comprising the townships of Ednol, Evenjobb with Bareland, Harpton, Kinnarton with Badland, Old Radnor, and Walton, each supporting its own poor, in the liberties of the borough of NEW RADNOR, county of RADNOR, SOUTH WALES, 2 1/2 miles (E. S. E.) from New Radnor, containing 1458 inhabitants. This place by the Welsh is also called Pen y Graig, which name it derives from the situation of its church on the summit of a rock............The living is a rectory, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Hereford, rated in the king's books at £ 35. 1. 0 1/2., and in the possession of the Dean and, Chapter of Worcester, by whom a stipendiary curate is appointed and paid, and is further supported by the interest of £ 800 parliamentary grant. The church, dedicated to St. Stephen,.............. At Ednol and Kinnarton are chapels of ease to the mother church. There is a place of worship for Independents. ................The poor are maintained by an average annual expenditure amounting to £729. 17. for the entire parish, of which sum, £ 170. 10. is assessed on the township of Old Radnor. " ( A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, Samuel Lewis, 1833)



A short history of Old Radnor Parish Church. Hereford : Adams & Sons (Printers), [19--] 8p

Fenn, Roy W D.           Old Radnor parish church.              Radnorshire Society Transactions   Vol 58  1988         Welsh Journals Online

Howse, William H. The Church and parish of Old Radnor. Halesowen : H. Parkes, 1958.

Howse, William H. Radnor old and new. Kington : Mid-Border Books, 1989. 54p. Originally published: Hereford: Jakemans, 1944.

Phillips, W S     Lower House, and Cottage Farm; a study of two timber framed houses in the parish of Evenjobb      Radnorshire Society Transactions Vol 37  1967      Welsh Journals Online

Sutton, Frederick H. Church organs : their position and construction, with an appendix containing some account of the mediaeval organ case still existing at Old Radnor, South Wales. Oxford : Positif Press, 1998. 48p. Facsim. of 3rd ed. published: London : Rivingtons, 1883.

Sykes, Marjorie. A border church in the Anglo-Welsh tradition : [St. Stephen's, Old Radnor]. Country Quest 30/4 (1989), p. 8-9

The organ case of Old Radnor Church            Radnorshire Society Transactions Vol 22  1952      Welsh Journals Online


Church History

Church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. Ed. by   I.G   Jones, & D. Williams. UWP,  Cardiff, 1976. The names given towards the end of each entry are those of the informants.

Old Radnor Parish consisting of the Townships of Old Radnor and Burlingjobb;  Walton and Womaston;  Evenjobb, Newcastle, Barland and Burfa;  Kinnerton, Salford and Badland;  Ednol; and pt of Upper Harpton (the remainder of Harpton being in co, Hereford;  Statistics; Area 10069 acres; Population 668 males, 595 females, total 1263

  • Old Radnor and Burlingjobb Township
  • Old Radnor, St Stephen's Parish Church (Diocese of Hereford)              Attendance - morning 70              H N Moonase, Vicar
  • Kinneton Chapel of Ease to the Mother Church of Old Radnor            Attendance - morning 30 + 33 scholars, afternoon 46     (average attendance more than 200)       George Armstorng Blakeley, MA., Curate
  • Yardis Chapel, Calvinistic Methodist    Erected 1840    Attendance - afternoon 50    "No School, the Chapel is used on times for carrying on a Day school.   Moses Williams, Assistant Minister, Mission House, Penybont
  • Gore, Independents             Erected before 1800       Attendance - (average) morning 140                William Jones, Minister
  • Strinds, Primitive Methodist       Not a Chapel            Attendance - afternoon 25, evening 50              Jarvis Pike, Minister, Evenjobb
  • Wesleyan          Erected before 1800           Attendance - (average) 40          Joseph Lewis, Steward, Evenjobb
  • Walton and Womaston Township
  • Quaker, Walton, Old Radnor       Attendance - morning 7, afternoon 7      "This house belongs to an estate called Wallow Court and was no built or intended for a place of Worship"     William Peter Edwards
  • Evenjobb, Newcastle, Barland and Burfa Township
  • Bethel Chapel, Baptist      Erected 1849     Attendance - morning 34 scholars, afternoon 100                   Josephus Judson, Baptist Minister, Gladesbry
  • Kinnerton, Salford and Badland Township
  • Keit Brook, Primitive Methodists       Erected 1820   Not a separate building and not used exclusively as a place of worship         Attendance - evening 33       John Russbutch, Local Preacher, (alias Russ bach), Bridge St, Kington
  • Ednol Township
  • No returns
  • Part of Upper Harpton Township
  • No returns

See Welsh Chapels and Churches for a photograph of Old Radnor St Stephen

See John Ball's site Welsh Churches and Chapels Collection for a photograph/data re St Mary's Church, Kinnerton

Church of St Stephen, (St Ystyffan), Old Radnor on the Radnorshire Churches Survey site

Old Radnor Parish Church on the Castle Wales site

Old Radnor Church - on the Modern Antiquarian site

Old Radnor church in 1828 on the People's Collection Wales site

Medieval font at St Stephen's Church, Old Radnor  - on the People's Collection Wales site

Rees, Thomas & John Thomas. Hanes Eglwysi Annibynnol Cymru (History of the Welsh Independent Churches), 4 volumes (published 1871+). Here is the entry from this book for Gore chapel (in Welsh ) - with translation


    Church Records

    This parish included the township of Lower Harpton, Herefordshire

    Detailed information on deposited registers and transcripts for this parish is given on the Powys Archives page Radnorshire parish registers

    As a guide only, the principal extant parochial church records for this parish span the dates shown below (as detailed in Parish Registers of Wales, NLW 2000) but exact current holdings should be confirmed with the individual Archives;

    • Baptisms 1682-1864; Marriages 1682-1961; Burials 1682-1945 ; Banns 1824-1937
      Parish Registers, or copies, for all or part of these dates are held at the Hereford Archives, NLW and/or Powys Archives.  
      Bishops Transcripts for various periods are held at the Hereford Archives and/or Powys Archives

    Evancoyd- A parish formed out of Pencraig/Old Radnor in 1866, extant records are;

    • Baptisms 1867-1992; Marriages 1872-1971; Burials 1871-1991; Banns 1872-1991(NLW and/or Powys Archives)

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Harpton Court Estate Records Include " ..................deeds concerning the rectory and tithes of Old Radnor, 1607-1876............"

    Description & Travel

    Old Radnor Castle on the Castle Wales site

    Various landscape photographs of the area on the People's Collection Wales site

    You can see pictures of Pencraig / Old Radnor which are provided by:




    Land & Property

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Duggan Deeds  1631-1970   "The Taylor and Duggan families owned lands in Evenjobb in the parishes of Old Radnor and Presteigne, Radnorshire........"  
    • Hanter estate, deeds  1714-1822    "Twenty-four deeds and documents, 1714-1822, concerning the Hanter estate, Radnorshire, relating to lands in Burlingjobb, parish of Old Radnor"
    •  Lloyd, E. A., collection     "Deeds and documents, 1593-1848, relating to properties in Womaston (Old Radnor), Evenjobb, Llansaintfraed in Elvel, Llandrindod, Cascob, Ednall, Llanvareth, and Presteigne, Radnorshire"


    Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R., Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: History Data Service, UK Data Archive [distributor], 17 May 2001. SN: 4348. Here is a gazetteer/finding aid plus a set of overview maps to accurately identify the position of parishes within the county

    Family Search have an interactive map called "England and Wales Jurisdictions 1851" showing parish (and other) boundaries with optional background maps such as Ordnance Survey. There is also a Search facility, do read the guidance notes to get maximum benefit from this useful resource. See here for further background information to assist in the interpretation of this data

    You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SO250615 (Lat/Lon: 52.224078, -3.099383), Pencraig / Old Radnor which are provided by:

